Build with SBT (you don't need to install SBT on your machine)
> sbt/sbt
> compile
> test
> sbt/sbt
> mkrun
This will create the script bin/ which can be used to run the performance experiments.
To run in cluster mode, 'mkrun' will also create the script bin/ which can be used to launch a master. This script will print out a URL of the form 'akka.tcp://...' which can then be passed to the bin/ script as a required trailing argument. Then, you can run bin/ with the '--master' flag with this URL.
To turn on debugging output from the library, you can change the imports at the top of any source files containing self-adjusting code from:
import tbd._
import tbd.TBD._
import tbd.debug._
import tbd.debug.TBD._
This is required to make the visualizer work, for example modifying ModList.scala and ModListNode.scala.
ThomasDB provides a few scripts to make your life easier:
- Convert: converts Wikipedia dump files, stripping the xml and mate-data.
To run these:
> sbt/sbt
> mkrun
> exit
> bin/ tdb.scripts.SCRIPT_NAME
The visualizer can be used to visualize traces and dependencies. Furthermore, the visualizer can be used to calculate intrinsic trace distance. Make sure to turn on debugging, as described above, to use the visualizer.
> sbt/sbt
> mkvisualization
Run examples:
> bin/ --help
> bin/ -a sort
> bin/ -a map -o diff
> bin/ -a map -o diff -t manual
> bin/ -a sort -o plot2d -t exhaustive
> bin/ -a reduce -i 5 -o chart2d -t exhaustive
To call a quick visualizer from within your code (for debugging), use:
Visualizer UI
Select mutation round from combo box. Click node for details in lower panel Black edges: Control dependency. Red edges: Mod dependencies (mod <-> write or read <-> write) Dashed edges: Bound free vars, whereas color corresponds to color of description
If two different DDGs are selected in diff mode, the program will show intrinsic trace distance and distance accomplished by TBD change propagation in the lowermost panel. Removed/Added nodes will be highlighted in yellow/red.
Scroll by dragging the mouse. Zoom with the scroll wheel.
You'll need to apply reef/tbd-reef.patch to Reef and then install it on your machine.
> sbt/sbt
> project reef
> assembly
This will create the assembly jar file reef/target/scala-2.11/reef-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar which can be submitted to REEF to run distributed TBD on HADOOP V2 YARN.
Run cluster mode with REEF on YARN:
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/yarn jar reef/target/scala-2.11/reef-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar tbd.reef.TBDLaunch -local false -numWorkers 2 -timeout 100 -memory 8192 -workerXss 4
Wait until master akka system ("akka.tcp://masterSystem0@" in the following example) is return to client, then submit an experiment to the cluster, and add -c parameter to check correctness of the output:
bin/ -a qsort --chunkSizes 1 --partitions 1 -n 1000 -c --master akka.tcp://masterSystem0@
The client is interactive: type in "master" will return master akka; type in "workers" will return workers' ip and port.