This repo has the source codes of some of my animations. For more context and insights about this project, please read the text below.
Year | Some used techniques | |
scattered dots | 2018 | replacement technique, simulation |
Sierpinski triangle loop | 2017/2021 | recursion, chromatic aberration |
spiral wave | 2021 | replacement technique, mesh, delay |
fluid sphere obstacle | 2017 | simulation, replacement technique |
sun connections | 2018 | interpolation with delay, noise loop |
radial collapse | 2020 | fractal zoom, replacement technique, noise |
moore curve queue | 2021/2023 | replacement technique, hilbert curve |
moore middle curves | 2024 | hilbert curve, delay |
sphere impacts | 2021 | particles effects, matrix transforms |
two levels sliding | 2021 | replacement technique, simulation |
hilbert curve transforms | 2022 | easing, hilbert curve |
sphere wave | 2022 | vector maths, easing, noise |
unfolded cubes tiling | 2024 | matrix transforms, delay, truchet |
2D fractal sliding squares | 2023 | recursion, fractal zoom, tree structure |
spiral magic | 2021 | 3D in P2D, spiral |
permutation patterns propagation | 2021 | simulation |
torus curve | 2023 | 3D geometry, mesh |
pushed digits sphere | 2023 | 3D in P2D, replacement technique |
spirals sphere | 2023 | spirals, tanh |
I'm trying to sort the list from simpler to more complex or time-consuming to fully understand, but this is highly subjective.
This set of animations is watchable on my site here using the bottom arrows/links to navigate.
Unfortunately I had to give them some kind of names, which is something I don't really like.
In my early animation experiences with Processing, I came across captivating gifs by beesandbombs (Dave). Studying even a fraction of the code he has shared greatly enhanced my skills and approach. Over time, I've shared quite raw source codes from my animations, valuing visual outcome over code aesthetics. But with positive feedback and people asking me how the animations are made, I see value in sharing the code with more care.
This project compiles noteworthy animation source codes, aiming for clarity through commented code. It's a work in progress, aiming to surpass my previous releases despite the imperfections.
For newcomers or those seeking context, I recommend tutorials on my website, especially the "Replacement Technique" and the one about beesandbombs' motion blur template.
I hope this collection serves both those diving into Processing-based animations and the simply curious, potentially inspiring others just as beesandbombs inspired me.
This repository includes animations that utilize a motion blur template created by Dave. We have permission from him to use this template in our work.
Please note that while the motion blur template is available for use, the rest of the source code in this repository is generally protected under my copyright, and all rights are reserved. If you wish to use any part of my source code for your own projects or any other purpose, please contact me to obtain permission.