As a developer in training, my assignment was to create a basic, simple to use weather app that incorporates the use of APIs into javascript. I used API calls to pull information from the Open Weather API source online to display on my weather app. This information pulled from the API allowed me to use current weather data for all cities around the world. When the webpage is loaded onto the browser for the first time all you can see is the top navbar and the search input box. Once a user types in a city and clicks the search button they are presented with the cities current weather, wind speed, humidity, and UV index. They are also presented with the upcoming 5 days of forecast for the searched city. When a city is searched, it is saved onto local storage. If the user leaves the page and returns at a later time, the list of cities that have been searched are pulled from local storage and displayed on the screen. You can also click on these saved cities to pull up current weather rather than typing in the city again.
Used in this application was HTML, CSS, bootstrap, javascript, Jquery, moment.js, and APIs from Open Weather.
You can find the depolyed application here: