Connector to the SuperfaclityAPI in python with a command line program.
Install with pip install SuperfacilityConnector
$ sfapi status cori | jq
"full_name": "Cori",
"description": "System is active",
"status": "active",
"updated_at": "2022-04-14T23:03:00-07:00"
To get the status of all systems use.
$ sfapi status all
The sfapi
command line looks for keys in $HOME/.superfacility
in the format of .pem
. Save the private key as clientid.pem
where clienid is the client id given from iris (i.e. mqyqtld6l6roq.pem
To have the sfapi help manage keys you can use,
sfapi manage-keys --client home
Which will give insructions on how to obtain a key and save the key in the right format to be used later.
List the roles associated with the clientid.
sfapi roles
List the projects associated with the clientid, including NERSC hours.
sfapi projects
Execute the ls
command on the remote site.
sfapi ls SITE --path /path/at/nersc
Submit a job to a site, either with a file already on the system or with a file on your own system. Returns the jobid associated with the newly created job.
sfapi sbatch SITE --path /path/at/nersc/
sfapi sbatch SITE --local
View the queue, can view the full queue for a system or by specifc user or job.
sfapi squeue SITE
sfapi squeue SITE --jobid JOBID
sfapi squeue SITE --user NERSC_USERNAME
Used to cancel a job based on the jobid.
sfapi scancel SITE --jobid JOBID