is an unofficial async Python library for Ryver.
It provides a simple and sane way of automating tasks on Ryver and building bots, without the need to set up Hubot or Botkit.
is still in major version 0, so breaking changes may be introduced any time. Please check changelogs carefully.
However, we will attempt to make it as backwards-compatible as possible (excluding version 0.1.0).
v0.4 is now out of beta! Minor breaking changes were introduced since 0.3.2! See the Release Description for the changelog.
Special thanks to @mincrmatt12!
is now on PyPI! You can install it with python3 -m pip install --user pyryver
You can also find pre-releases on TestPyPI.
More instructions can be found at Read the Docs.
requires Python >= 3.6 and the aiohttp
has near complete support for every common Ryver action.
This includes things like sending messages, uploading files, managing topics & tasks, creating forums/teams, etc.
currently does not support editing user and organization settings.
Forum/team settings, however, are supported.
For a complete list of everything the API contains, head over to the docs. If there's something missing from the API that you'd like to see, create an issue and we'll get to it ASAP.
Documentation and examples can be found on Read the Docs.
If you want to see an example of pyryver
being used in a real project, check out LaTeX Bot.
Here's an example demonstrating how to send a message (v0.4.0 API):
import pyryver
import asyncio
async def main():
# Connect to ryver
async with pyryver.Ryver("my_organization", "my_username", "my_password") as ryver:
# Load all chats
await ryver.load_chats()
# Find users and forums/teams
friend = ryver.get_user(username="my_friend")
forum_or_team = ryver.get_groupchat(name="My Forum or Team")
# Send a message
await friend.send_message("Hello, friend!")
await forum_or_team.send_message("Hello, forum or team!")
Here's an example demonstrating how to get your bot to respond in real-time (v0.4.0 API):
import pyryver
import asyncio
async def main():
# Connect to ryver
async with pyryver.Ryver("my_organization", "my_username", "my_password") as ryver:
# Load all chats
await ryver.load_chats()
# Get the bot's user
me = ryver.get_user(username="my_username")
# Connect to the websocket interface
# Enable auto-reconnects
async with ryver.get_live_session(auto_reconnect=True) as session:
async def on_message(msg: pyryver.WSChatMessageData):
print(msg.text) # print out the message's text
# Reply to the message
# Make sure to check that the message isn't from the bot itself
if msg.from_jid != me.get_jid() and msg.text == "hello":
# Send a message to the same chat
# This could be either a user (for a private message) or a forum/team
chat = ryver.get_chat(jid=msg.to_jid)
await chat.send_message("hi")
# run until session.terminate() is called
await session.run_forever()