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Finishing up #1564 (add As a.k.a liskov) (#1728)
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* Adds an As class which represents subtyping relationships

This is a direct port of the Liskov class from scalaz.  I named it `As` to be
similar to our new `Is` class representing type equality, but there are aliases
named `<~<` and `Liskov`

* incorporate suggestions from Oscar (Thanksgit diff --cached)git

* delete-trailing-whitespace

* Minor changes to evidence/packages.scala

remove explicit reference to package in Is type alias (for posco)
add === type alias for `Is` (for sellout)

* More enhancements for posco's feedback (thanks!)

- change unsafeFromPredef to just use refl
- add tests for some expected relationships such as Int <~< Any,
  and List[String] <~< List[Any]

* ome more

* add more tests, contravariant tests still pending

* add contra tests and get rid fo the liftF like functions (they can be derrived from what we have, and I can't find anyone using them in the wild)

* don't try to link the type in the scaladoc

* fix test failure on 2.10.6 + scalajs

Thank you very much @kailuowang for the solutiongit diff

* added helper methods for converting Function1

* added category law tests
  • Loading branch information
kailuowang authored Jun 14, 2017
1 parent 219eecd commit 2e01263
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Showing 3 changed files with 331 additions and 1 deletion.
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions core/src/main/scala/cats/evidence/As.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
package cats
package evidence

import arrow.Category

* As substitutability: A better `<:<`
* This class exists to aid in the capture proof of subtyping
* relationships, which can be applied in other context to widen other
* type
* `A As B` holds whenever `A` could be used in any negative context
* that expects a `B`. (e.g. if you could pass an `A` into any
* function that expects a `B` as input.)
* This code was ported directly from scalaz to cats using this version from scalaz:
* The original contribution to scalaz came from Jason Zaugg
sealed abstract class As[-A, +B] extends Serializable {
* Use this subtyping relationship to replace B with a value of type
* A in a contravariant context. This would commonly be the input
* to a function, such as F in: `type F[-B] = B => String`. In this
* case, we could use A As B to turn an F[B] Into F[A].
def substitute[F[-_]](p: F[B]): F[A]

@inline final def andThen[C](that: (B As C)): (A As C) = As.compose(that, this)

@inline final def compose[C](that: (C As A)): (C As B) = As.compose(this, that)

@inline final def coerce(a: A): B = As.witness(this)(a)

sealed abstract class AsInstances {
import As._

* Subtyping forms a category
implicit val liskov: Category[As] = new Category[As] {
def id[A]: (A As A) = refl[A]

def compose[A, B, C](bc: B As C, ab: A As B): (A As C) = bc compose ab

object As extends AsInstances {
* In truth, "all values of `A Is B` are `refl`". `reflAny` is that
* single value.
private[this] val reflAny = new (Any As Any) {
def substitute[F[-_]](fa: F[Any]) = fa
* Subtyping is reflexive
implicit def refl[A]: (A As A) =
reflAny.asInstanceOf[A As A]

* We can witness the relationship by using it to make a substitution *
implicit def witness[A, B](lt: A As B): A => B =
lt.substitute[-? => B](identity)

* Subtyping is transitive
def compose[A, B, C](f: B As C, g: A As B): A As C =
g.substitute[λ[`-α` => α As C]](f)

* reify a subtype relationship as a Liskov relaationship
@inline def reify[A, B >: A]: (A As B) = refl

* It can be convenient to convert a <:< value into a `<~<` value.
* This is not strictly valid as while it is almost certainly true that
* `A <:< B` implies `A <~< B` it is not the case that you can create
* evidence of `A <~< B` except via a coercion. Use responsibly.
def fromPredef[A, B](eq: A <:< B): A As B =
reflAny.asInstanceOf[A As B]

* We can lift subtyping into any covariant type constructor
def co[T[+_], A, A2] (a: A As A2): (T[A] As T[A2]) =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[α] As T[A2]]](refl)

// Similarly, we can do this any time we find a covariant type
// parameter. Here we provide the proof for what we expect to be the
// most common shapes.

def co2[T[+_, _], Z, A, B](a: A As Z): T[A, B] As T[Z, B] =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[α, B] As T[Z, B]]](refl)

* Widen a F[X,+A] to a F[X,B] if (A As B). This can be used to widen
* the output of a Function1, for example.
def co2_2[T[_, +_], Z, A, B](a: B As Z): T[A, B] As T[A, Z] =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[A, α] As T[A, Z]]](refl)

def co3[T[+_, _, _], Z, A, B, C](a: A As Z): T[A, B, C] As T[Z, B, C] =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[α, B, C] As T[Z, B, C]]](refl)

def co3_2[T[_, +_, _], Z, A, B, C](a: B As Z): T[A, B, C] As T[A, Z, C] =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[A, α, C] As T[A, Z, C]]](refl)

def co3_3[T[+_, _, +_], Z, A, B, C](a: C As Z): T[A, B, C] As T[A, B, Z] =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[A, B, α] As T[A, B, Z]]](refl)

* Use this relationship to widen the output type of a Function1
def onF[X, A, B](ev: A As B)(fa: X => A): X => B = co2_2[Function1, B, X, A](ev).coerce(fa)

* widen two types for binary type constructors covariant in both
* parameters
* lift2(a,b) = co1_2(a) compose co2_2(b)
def lift2[T[+_, +_], A, A2, B, B2](
a: A As A2,
b: B As B2
): (T[A, B] As T[A2, B2]) = {
type a[-X] = T[X, B2] As T[A2, B2]
type b[-X] = T[A, X] As T[A2, B2]

* We can lift a subtyping relationship into a contravariant type
* constructor.
* Given that F has the shape: F[-_], we show that:
* (A As B) implies (F[B] As F[A])
def contra[T[-_], A, B](a: A As B): (T[B] As T[A]) =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[B] As T[α]]](refl)

// Similarly, we can do this any time we find a contravariant type
// parameter. Here we provide the proof for what we expect to be the
// most common shapes.

def contra1_2[T[-_, _], Z, A, B](a: A As Z): (T[Z, B] As T[A, B]) =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[Z, B] As T[α, B]]](refl)

def contra2_2[T[_, -_], Z, A, B](a: B As Z): (T[A, Z] As T[A, B]) =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[A, Z] As T[A, α]]](refl)

def contra1_3[T[-_, _, _], Z, A, B, C](a: A As Z): (T[Z, B, C] As T[A, B, C]) =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[Z, B, C] As T[α, B, C]]](refl)

def contra2_3[T[_, -_, _], Z, A, B, C](a: B As Z): (T[A, Z, C] As T[A, B, C]) =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[A, Z, C] As T[A, α, C]]](refl)

def contra3_3[T[_, _, -_], Z, A, B, C](a: C As Z): (T[A, B, Z] As T[A, B, C]) =
a.substitute[λ[`-α` => T[A, B, Z] As T[A, B, α]]](refl)

* Use this relationship to narrow the input type of a Function1
def conF[A, B, C](ev: B As A)(fa: A => C): B => C =
contra1_2[Function1, A, B, C](ev).coerce(fa)

* Use this relationship to widen the output type and narrow the input type of a Function1
def invF[C, D, A, B](ev1: D As C, ev2: A As B)(fa: C => A): D => B =
33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion core/src/main/scala/cats/evidence/package.scala
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@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
package cats

package object evidence {
type Leibniz[A, B] = cats.evidence.Is[A, B]
* A convenient type alias for Is, which declares that A is the same
* type as B.
type ===[A, B] = A Is B

* This type level equality represented by `Is` is referred to as
* "Leibniz equality", and it had the name "Leibniz" in the scalaz
type Leibniz[A, B] = A Is B

* A convenient type alias for As, this declares that A is a
* subtype of B, and should be able to be a B is
* expected.
type <~<[-A, +B] = A As B

* A flipped alias, for those used to their arrows running left to right
type >~>[+B, -A] = A As B

* The property that a value of type A can be used in a context
* expecting a B if A <~< B is refered to as the "Liskov
* Substitution Principal", which is named for Barbara Liskov:
type Liskov[-A, +B] = A As B
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions tests/src/test/scala/cats/tests/AsTests.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
package cats
package tests

import cats.laws.discipline.{CategoryTests, SerializableTests}
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import cats.arrow.Category
class AsTests extends CatsSuite {
import evidence._

def toMap[A, B, X](fa: List[X])(implicit ev: X <~< (A,B)): Map[A,B] = {
type RequiredFunc = (Map[A, B], X) => Map[A, B]
type GivenFunc = (Map[A, B], (A, B)) => Map[A, B]
val subst: GivenFunc <~< RequiredFunc = As.contra2_3(ev) //introduced because inference failed on scalajs on 2.10.6
fa.foldLeft(Map.empty[A,B])(subst(_ + _))

implicit def arbAs[A, B](implicit ev: A <~< B) = Arbitrary(Gen.const(ev))
implicit def eq[A, B]: Eq[As[A, B]] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals

test("narrow an input of a function2") {
// scala's GenTraversableOnce#toMap has a similar <:< constraint

toMap(List("String" -> 1))

test("lift <:") {
// scala's GenTraversableOnce#toMap has a similar <:< constraint
trait Bar
case class Foo(x: Int) extends Bar

val lifted: Foo <~< Bar = As.reify[Foo, Bar]
toMap(List("String" -> Foo(1)))(As.co2_2(lifted))

test("check expected relationships") {
// scala's GenTraversableOnce#toMap has a similar <:< constraint
implicitly[Int <~< Any]
implicitly[String <~< Any]
implicitly[String <~< AnyRef]
implicitly[String <~< AnyRef]
implicitly[(String,Int) <~< (AnyRef,Any)]
implicitly[scala.collection.immutable.List[String] <~< scala.collection.Seq[Any]]

trait Top {
def foo: String = this.getClass.getName
trait Middle extends Top
case class Bottom() extends Middle

checkAll("As[Bottom, Middle]", CategoryTests[As].category[Bottom, Middle, Top, Any])
checkAll("Category[As]", SerializableTests.serializable(Category[As]))

test("subtyping relationships compose") {

val cAsB: Bottom As Middle = As.reify[Bottom,Middle]
val bAsA: Middle As Top = As.fromPredef(implicitly)

val one: Bottom As Top = cAsB andThen bAsA
val two: Bottom As Top = bAsA compose cAsB

test("we can use As to coerce a value") {
val cAsA: Bottom As Top = implicitly

val c: Bottom = Bottom()

val a: Top = cAsA.coerce(c)

test("we can lift subtyping to covariant type constructors") {
val cAsA: Bottom As Top = implicitly
val co: List[Bottom] As List[Top] =
val co2: ((Bottom, String) As (Top, String)) = As.co2(cAsA)
val co2_2: ((String, Bottom) As (String, Top)) = As.co2_2(cAsA)
val co3: ((Bottom, Unit, Unit) As (Top, Unit, Unit)) = As.co3(cAsA)
val co3_2: ((Unit, Bottom, Unit) As (Unit, Top, Unit)) = As.co3_2(cAsA)
val co3_3: ((Unit, Unit, Bottom) As (Unit, Unit, Top)) = As.co3_3(cAsA)
val lift2: ((Bottom, String) As (Top,Any)) = As.lift2(cAsA,implicitly)

test("we can lift subtyping to contravariant type constructors") {
type Eat[-A] = A => Unit
type EatF[-A, B] = A => B
type Eatꟻ[B, -A] = A => B
type EatF13[-A, B, C] = A => (B, C)
type EatF23[B, -A, C] = A => (B, C)
type EatF33[B, C, -A] = A => (B, C)

val cAsA: (Bottom As Top) = implicitly
val contra: Eat[Top] As Eat[Bottom] = As.contra(cAsA)
val contra1_2: EatF[Top, Unit] As EatF[Bottom,Unit] = As.contra1_2(cAsA)
val contra2_2: Eatꟻ[Unit, Top] As Eatꟻ[Unit,Bottom] = As.contra2_2(cAsA)
val contra1_3: EatF13[Top, Unit,Unit] As EatF13[Bottom, Unit, Unit] = As.contra1_3(cAsA)
val contra2_3: EatF23[Unit, Top, Unit] As EatF23[Unit, Bottom, Unit] = As.contra2_3(cAsA)
val contra3_3: EatF33[Unit, Unit, Top] As EatF33[Unit, Unit, Bottom] = As.contra3_3(cAsA)

test("we can widen the output of a function1") {
val f: Any => Bottom = _ => Bottom()
val cAsA: Bottom As Top = implicitly
val f2: Any => Top = As.onF(cAsA)(f)

test("we can narrow the input of a function1") {
val f: Top => Any = (t: Top) => t
val cAsA: Bottom As Top = implicitly
val f2: Bottom => Any = As.conF(cAsA)(f)

test("we can simultaneously narrow the input and widen the ouptut of a Function1") {
val f: Top => Bottom = _ => Bottom()
val cAsA: Bottom As Top = implicitly
val f2: Bottom => Top = As.invF(cAsA, cAsA)(f)

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