This script was used for testing statistical learning in an oculomotor based ASRT experiment recorded with children.
Running ASRT script requires all of the following and their dependencies. In parentheses you can find the version which was used for the specific experiment.
After Python 3.6 and pip is intalled, you can install psychopy, tobii_research and pyglet packages using pip install
For example:
pip install pyglet==1.3.2
After all prerequisites are installed you need to download the content of this repository.
You can run the script by python
command or by running the
file from PsychoPy.
This code was forked from this github repository:
Orsolya Pesthy (OrsPesthy) adapted the code for the specific experiment and added a possibility for more frequent calibration.
Tamás Zolnai (tzolnai) reworked the original code and extended it with eye-tracking capabilities.
Emese Szegedi-Hallgató (hallgatoemese) wrote the initial ASRT script used for registering reaction times based on keyboard input.
ASRT (alternating SRT, alternating serial reaction time task)
Oculomotor version of ASRT
I-DT: Dispersion-Threshold identification of fixations
Dispersion threshold
Fixation duration threshold
Linear interpolation of missing data
Technical documentation