Imposm is a great tool for importing/transforming Openstreetmap data. Sadly, version 3 does not support reprojection of data to anything other than EPSG:3857 and EPSG:4326 projections. I created this tool as I need support for local projections (UTM zones and whatnot). Unfortunately, Imposm 2 only supports python 2.7 and is dependant on many deprecated libraries that were available on the Ubuntu Trusty. This project uses Docker and docker-compose to allow running Imposm 2 on a modern host without the need to install an old system just for this.
put the target pbf file into the ./imposm/pbf subfolder
optional: edit imposm mapping file or use default
edit docker-compose.yml, change the command under imposm service: (rename YOUR_PBF):
command: imposm --connection postgis://postgres:mypass@postgis/postgres -m --proj EPSG:32633 --read --write --optimize ./pbf/YOUR_PBF
spin up the postgis portion of the services:
docker-compose up -d postgis
execute Imposm
docker-compose up imposm
Optional step: After import run post_proc.sql on the database to change table and schema names as Imposm creates a lot of prefixes.
IMPORTANT: To connect to the containerized instance of postgis, use the port 5444 (not the default 5432) as defined in the docker-compose.yml
Imposm 2.6 reference:
Imposm mapping reference: