Releases: ualbertalib/jupiter
OAI and PMPY Bug Fixes
[2.1.0] - 2021-10-21
- Added DOI reset feature for admins #1739
- Added oaisys tests #1888
- Initialize disabled ReadOnlyMode #2100
- Updated Architecture diagrams PR#2135
- Remove entirely unnecessary config file. PR#2044
- Completely disable logging of warnings around the "excel spreadsheet" issue PR#2049
- Turn off reporting things like "this excel spreadsheet isn't thumbnailable" as warnings to Rollbar PR#2046
- migration to fix concatenated subjects (part 2) #1449
- Catch and log embargo expiry job save errors #1989
- Don't send failures to SessionController in development environment PR#2121
- Rails upgraded to to resolve certain issues with community dependencies
- Fixture names have been modified to ensure their uniqueness PR#2302
- Rails upgraded to to resolve security issues
- Added Collection and Community to reindex rake task #2444
- oaisys: change etdms date source to graduation date as per LAC spec #2298
- bump rubocop and fix cop violations PR#2072
- Give proper response when solr 400s #2086
- Search with sort without default sort direction no longer errors #2077
- bump omniauth-rails_csrf_protection gem for omniauth compatibility PR#2096
- bump rdf-n3 and fix isomorphic_with? regression PR#2070
- bump rubocop and fix more cop violations PR#2132
- Various fixes from lighthouse suggestions PR#2254
- Danger token in Github Actions #2282
- Fix issue where we improperly 404'd when a deleted Collection is being displayed in the edit history #2504
- Fix communication with pushmi_pullyu by changing the format for entries in redis queue #2527
- Fix preservation task #2566
Jupiter 2.0.3
[2.0.3] - 2021-05-05
- Rails critical CVE fixes
Jupiter 2.0.2
[2.0.2] - 2020-12-17
- Fix issue where we improperly 500'd when a file download URL referenced a non-existent fileset UUID, instead of 404ing
- Make reindex rake task actually reindex all of the objects into Solr, instead of acting as a no-op
- Fix a mis-named error rescue that resulted in a crash when the sort field wasn't known for a model
- Fix nil start or end faceting dates error PR#2041
- Try to better handle the logo deletion circular constraint (next step: dropping it entirely)
Jupiter 2.0.1
[2.0.1] - 2020-12-14
- Mounted Oaisys engine PR#1361
- Added tests surrounding Oaisys ListSets response PR#1609
- Version 1 of AIP API PR#1441
- Added and set up papertrail gem PR#1437
- Set up papertrail admin view PR#1562
- Added Draper and re-organized facet presenters PR#1446
- Metadata Presenters for OAI:DC & OAI:ETDMS PR#1460
- Local system accounts authentication PR#1522
- Bring in ERBLint PR#1646
- Thesis ingest rewrite PR#1670
- Rails 6 sidekiq queues PR#1663
- Add stylelint to Jupiter #1120
- migration to fix concatenated subjects (part 1) #1449
- fix bad logic on preservation errors
- tmp/cache to docker ignore #1680
- Tie breaker for solr query results to make them deterministic #1689
- script for watchtower to run from post-update hook PR#1892
- Added read only mode feature #1838
- bump rubocop-rails to 2.4.1 Rails/FilePath default changed to slashes PR#1398
- Upgrade Rails gem to latest v6.x #1430
- Transition to Zeitwerk for Autoloading #1432
- Changed default docker setup and updated docker/docker-compose/travis/README PR#1519
- Changed thumbnail fallback to ERA logo without text instead of file icon PR#1521
- Description now optional for theses prior to 2009 #1357
- Transition to Webpacker from Sprockets #1431
- Post Fedora Automated Test Cleanup #1445
- Update UAL Logo #1616
- Refactor
draft cleanup rake task to be sidekiq cron job #1611 - Move Logic from SearchController into ItemSearch Concern #932
- Feature Image on Item show page need to be centered align within column #1405
- Centralize Abstraction for Thumbnail Generation #1343
- Beefed up AR migrations by stating that certain attributes cannot be null PR#1704
- Finalize Item AIP data #1557
- Finalize Thesis AIP data #1557
- Change validations defined in models in favor of reusable validators
- Merge file_set and original_file AIP API entry points #1557
- Skipped failing Oaisys tests #1817
- webpacker resolved_paths to additional paths #1836
- Enable Skylight in the Staging environment and remove it from the UAT environment (where it was unused, and the performance of the Docker environment is less likely to be similar to Production)
- uat configuration to accept proxy from upstream nginx-proxy #1724
- Changed oaisys' updated until scope #1816
- ActiveStorage::Blob now uses UUID for ids. You will need to recreate, remigrate, and reseed your DB.
- Ensure Thesis Department and supervisor are indexed for faceting (they were in Fedora, missed in initial
work to port to Postgres)
- failing tests #1376
- Fix Sprockets v4.0.0 upgrade problem with how Sass Variables were being defined #1406
- Fix bug for page_image_url helper which was double rendering urls for default image PR#1512
- Thumbnail choice no longer resets between saves #1435
- Fix three-state logic problems on DraftItem and DraftThesis models where boolean attribute is_published_in_era was nullable #1408
- Can now go through wizard with an old license #1539
- Fixed rake tasks #1585
- Style "Files" section as a card to keep consistent with rest of sidebar on item show page #1676
- Feature Images on Item show page are being styled as Thumbnails #1675
- Fix "This file is processing and will be available shortly #1669
- The tag method is used replacing the content_tag method which is now deprecated #1706
- Use #resize_to_limit instead of #resize for thumbnail/images in Jupiter #1698
- docker image can be built and deployed on UAT #1680
- Upgrade Rubocop/Erblint and fix cop violations #1803
- Fixed Oaisys testing issues by modifying and adding decorators #1816
- UAT nginx port 80 redirect PR#1893
- bump rubocop and fix cop violations PR#1845
- bump rubocop-performance and fix cop violations PR#1850
- N+1 query issue with attachments to models in search results PR#1881
- Fixed flapping announcement tests #1915
- Fixed not being able to clear a community logo #2009
- Fixed getting an error when deleting an item #2009
- No longer 500s when entering in illogical date facet ranges #2009
- bump rubocop and fix cop violations PR#2019
- Make reindex rake task actually reindex all of the objects into Solr, instead of acting as a no-op
– Fix a mis-named error rescue that resulted in a crash when the sort field wasn't known for a model
- add
noopener noreferrer
when opening a link in a new tab PR#1344 - bump selfsigned CVE-2020-7720
Integration Migration Phase 1 Version 2.0.0
[2.0.0] 2020-12-14
- Bumped sidekiq-unique-jobs as our version was yanked PR#1738
- docker image can be built and deployed PR#1757
- Skip broken item causing fedora migration rake task to fail PR#1766
- Fixed failing migrations due to missing blobs #1781
- Destroy attachments and call save without validations in fedora migration rake task #1685
- Now ignoring strings of length 4 for dates in coerce_value PR#1700
- Added solr exporters for ar community and ar collection #1782
- Beefed up AR migrations by stating that certain attributes cannot be null PR#1704
Jupiter 2.0.1.pre5
commit 939a1dd (HEAD -> cds/fix-item-deletion-error, origin/cds/fix-item-deletion-error)
Author: ConnorSheremeta
Date: Mon Dec 7 15:51:28 2020 -0700
Modified changelog and version file
commit 86b180c
Author: ConnorSheremeta
Date: Mon Dec 7 13:14:10 2020 -0700
Clear logo_id from item/thesis before destroying it
commit 779325f
Author: Matt Barnett
Date: Fri Dec 4 13:28:28 2020 -0700
add Changelog message
commit 882df65
Author: Matt Barnett
Date: Fri Dec 4 13:27:00 2020 -0700
Ensure Thesis Department and Supervisor are properly indexed for faceting
commit c25a7ce (cds/community-logo-doesnt-clear)
Author: ConnorSheremeta
Date: Fri Dec 4 12:57:48 2020 -0700
Added logo and remove_logo to the safe attributes for Community
commit c2a3576 (cds/fix-flapping-announcement-test)
Author: ConnorSheremeta
Date: Wed Nov 25 18:10:50 2020 -0700
Clear announcements before read only mode tests
commit a8ebd60
Author: Connor Sheremeta
Date: Tue Nov 17 14:46:35 2020 -0700
Update erd-instructions
Co-authored-by: Murny <>
commit cecd551 (origin/cds/add-erd-diagram, cds/add-erd-diagram)
Author: ConnorSheremeta
Date: Tue Nov 17 13:01:02 2020 -0700
add erd diagram
commit bba8022
Author: Murny
Date: Thu Nov 5 15:41:00 2020 -0700
Add a few updates to Github Actions
Update and remove a few things that are not needed anymore from Github Actions config
Along with a bunch of dependabot updates.
Jupiter 1.2.25
Jupiter 2.0.1.pre4
Jupiter 1.2.24
[1.2.24] – 2020-10-13
Added read only mode feature #1838