Build version: 0.5.0.SNAPSHOT
The term the "Internet of Things" is an evolving term used to refer to the technology and implementation of a global network of uniquely identifiable objects (things) and their on line representations. Things can be identified using RFID tags, optical codes, and other means; they can talk to each other as well as applications and online services. The concept of the Web of Things (WoT) considers how to fully integrate things not only on the internet, but the Web.
The Thing Broker enables easy application development by providing an easy to use RESTFul interface to things for applications for the WoT that can be deployed in a stand alone system, or as a platform as a service. The Thing Broker provides a data model supporting the notion of "things" as a way to encapsulate multiple sensor/actuator endpoints that are hosted on the same device, in the same environment, or on the same person.
Thing Broker was written in Java. We use the Spring Tools Suite version of Eclipse as our IDE and maven to build it on the command line.
You will need two projects: "thing-broker-core" contains the core data model and services of the Thing Broker. The "thingbroker-web" project implements the REST API. The latter depends on the former, so you need to use maven to build both projects.
To compile the projects, first make sure mongodb is installed and running so that integration tests will pass. Clone the project, then:
cd thingbroker
mvn package
To skip tests:
mvn package -DskipTests=true
Assuming a JDK and Maven is installed correctly, you should end up with the following files in the /thingbroker-web/target directory:
Before you can run the thing broker, install MongoDB. See
To test it out quickly, and assuming you've compiled it with maven:
cd thingbroker-web
mvn tomcat:run
This will install tomcat and run the thing broker on port 8080. To test hit
To get the empty list of things:
To deploy a server, you will need a Java web application container such as Jetty or Tomcat and MongoDB.
- Install and run MongoDB. See
- Install Tomcat or Jetty
- Rename thingbroker-web-{version}.war that you compiled to thingbroker.war
- Place the thingbroker.war file into your "webapps" directory of your Tomcat installation (or appropriate location for Jetty). Start your server if it hasn't been started already.
See the ThingBroker Wiki ThingBroker Wiki for information on how to use the ThingBroker in your applications.
Apr. 25, 2013
- added ability to get events only from the thing, not things its following (see documentation)
- updated dependencies - now depens on Spring Framework 3.2.2
Feb. 16, 2013
- URLs are more consistent - see
- following and unfollowing now works for getting both historical and real time events.
- events now contain "info" and/or "content" rather than "data"
- null fields are no longer sent with JSON
- behavior of some of event time query fields are consistent with the MAGIC broker (before, after, start, end)
- 'offset' added to event queries.
- integration tests to drive the controllers with fake HTTP requests.