Important! Check out the roadmap below to see what's coming next.
A library shared across ubio microservices which encapsulates common conventions in following areas:
- domain-driven design
- application structuring
- environment variables handling
- logging
- http routing and validation
- entity validation, presentation, (de)serialization
Make sure tsconfig.json
contains the following:
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"useDefineForClassFields": false,
Please refer to documentation for detailed usage information.
We have a high-level plan to introduce changes to better align the applications we build across the stack, along with simultaneously bringing in some DX.
Our plan is to bring the following:
- ESM — a breaking change to existing applications, but a necessary step in future-proofing
- Standardized logging in logfmt format
- Changing IoC libary from Inversify to Mesh
- Changing schema validation library from AJV to Airtight (Q2 2023)
ubio Limited © 2019