5.0.0 (2024-12-29)
renamed kernel toml
payload is fetched from KV
bumped eslint to v9
removed GitHub type from the configuration as it is deduced using the plugin element string
Bug Fixes
add error handling to plugin dispatch (a3acebf )
add error handling to schema decoding (7b15aa1 )
add npm token authentication (d551da3 )
add paginateGraphQL plugin to customOctokit (a3e1202 )
added MD escape for content (05c505c )
added tests related to help command (bfa8fe8 )
bug with default (95b1bcb )
bumped plugin-sdk (a65c27a )
bumped wrangler version (9f647ab )
call plugins synchronously (8f386a0 )
change file name (561077e )
ci (026ed42 )
ci test (199c646 )
cleaner approach via whilefoo (7bf804c )
correct manifest decoding logic (f76696b )
correct variable used in error logging (37ca024 )
cspell (ddedba0 )
empty store (9eb1014 )
enabled nodejs compat (bc05c58 )
enabled nodejs compat (8b27baa )
enabled nodejs compat (41e4b96 )
enhance error log context and config path handling (9a4bede )
escape only pipes (6e24973 )
export Manifest type from SDK (2b090cd )
file name (98fdee7 )
fixed proxy target url (7079aba )
generic typo (99559ff )
illegal invocation (f393668 )
import buffer from node namespace (bd9c210 )
imports (01854e7 )
install @ubiquity-os/ubiquity-os-logger (4d6eae9 )
knip (64681b8 )
knip (5b3dfad )
knip, test (6018c59 )
lockfile updates (74c4fb3 )
log if comment can't be created (ba98cb6 )
manifest commands are properly checked for skipping (b4e8fb6 )
merge now happens on plugins keys (f548451 )
packages (7277580 )
pin version (4cd4ae6 )
push-event: handle changes to both dev and prod config (9435e12 )
regex to match action now accepts higher depth (668062f )
remove broken test (472e929 )
remove SDK files and update dependencies (d47c5f2 )
remove test (44d49d7 )
remove test command (fcb4078 )
remove ubiquibot phrasing (b22d978 )
removed GitHub type from the configuration as it is deduced using the plugin element string (570b68e )
renamed PRIVATE_KEY to APP_PRIVATE_KEY, WEBHOOK_SECRET optional and removed WEBHOOK_PROXY_URL (f71043e )
replace process.env with ctx.env in server.ts (d376750 )
resolve conflicts (403232c )
resolve input decoding issue in server.ts (fe99961 )
sdk: add postComment function for structured metadata (b87f4ca )
serialize plugin and value in error messages (7841107 )
simplify array check (0421c30 )
skip posting help comment when no commands found (a71eb67 )
spell (b40750f )
tests (1fd1fbc )
tests (b58f0f0 )
tests (164f247 )
tests (e32602a )
tests (7d6d1c0 )
trimming body to find commands (fd17b58 )
tsup (e0ccba3 )
types (bfe4651 )
union too complex solve (39cd3e8 )
update comment body to use diff instead of raw log (1ccbac3 )
update dependencies in package.json (f09bf82 )
update eslint ignores (758145b )
update Husky setup for production and CI (9a76d37 )
update husky to version 9.1.6 (ca08e9f )
update module paths and tsup config for modern output (c517513 )
update module paths and tsup config for modern output (3b1f303 )
update package name in package.json (a8ac6fb )
update public key to match new private key (6986998 )
update release workflow for node support (5e1239e )
update release-please.yml (4fb79a0 )
update sdk (80e6bbc )
update token variable and reorder dependencies (f3c5df8 )
worker: handle exceptions properly in webhooks (1792982 )
worker: handle exceptions properly in webhooks (f146a64 )
workflow: update worker-deploy and setup-kv scripts (1c293d8 )
Miscellaneous Chores
You can’t perform that action at this time.