Telegram Framework for userbot and or bot api, using nodejs.
Use at Your Own Risk.
I don't take any responsibility from actions made by you or on your account.
- Issues
- Contributor are welcome...
npm i duagram
yarn add duagram
pnpm add duagram
const { duaGram } = require("duagram");
const bot = new duaGram({
api_id: 1,
api_hash: 'your-api-hash',
// Fill in the session here if you have one, or leave it blank
session: '',
bot.cmd('ping', (ctx) => {
// bot.sendMessage(ctx, 'pong'); // or:
// bot.sendMessage(, 'pong'); // or:
return ctx.reply('pong!');
To use the duaGram, you first have to get API ID dan API HASH.
Get it from
If you connect use Bot API, get a bot account by chatting with BotFather.
BotFather will give you a token, something like 123456789:AbCdfGhIJKlmNoQQRsTUVwxyZ
Do you need more example? Check this page.
source example
const { duaGram, terminal } = require("duagram");
const bot = new duaGram({
api_id: 1,
api_hash: 'your-api-hash',
logLevel: 1, // 0 false, 1 event, 2 detail
logDetail: "none", // none, error, warn, info, debug
// Fill in the session here if you have one, or leave it blank
session: '',
// The most common error is the FloodWait error which is caused by calling a method multiple times in a short period and acts as a spam filter from telegram. So:
floodSleepThreshold: 120,
// Mark message history as read
markRead: false
bot.on('message', (ctx, _ctx) => {
terminal.debug('Ctx Duagram');
bot.cmd('ping', (ctx) => {
bot.sendMessage(ctx, 'Pong!', { replyToMsgId: });
bot.cmd('upload', async (ctx) => {'Starting upload...');
let file = './photo.jpg';
return bot.sendFile(, file);
bot.cmd('version', (ctx) => {
return bot.sendMessage(ctx, `<code>${JSON.stringify(bot.version, null, 2)}<code>`, { parse_mode: 'HTML' });
Login with Bot API Token
source example
const { duaGram, terminal, Helper } = require("duagram");
const bot = new duaGram({
api_id: 1,
api_hash: 'your-api-hash',
as_bot_api: true,
bot_token: 'your-token-bot'
// event all new message
bot.on('message', async (ctx) => {
terminal.debug('Ctx Duagram');
bot.cmd('ping', (ctx) => {
return ctx.reply('Pong!', { replyToMsgId: });
bot.cmd('upload', async (ctx) => {'Starting upload...');
let file = './photo.jpg';
return await bot.sendFile(, file);
// bot API
bot.cmd('start', async (ctx) => {
// message in only
if (ctx.out) return false;
if (!bot.asBotApi) {
return bot.sendMessage(ctx, "I'm not bot api π
let chat_id =;
if ( == 'channel') {
chat_id =;
// if Bot API, send with Bot API can too
let reply_markup = JSON.stringify({
inline_keyboard: [
bot.Helper.Button.url('π₯ uBotIndonesia', '')
], [
bot.Helper.Button.text('One', 'cb1'),
bot.Helper.Button.text('Two', 'cb2')
let more = {
parse_mode: 'html',
return bot.BotApi.sendMessage(chat_id, 'This message from <b>Bot Api</b>', more)
.then(result => {
terminal.log('Result: BotApi sendMessage')
.catch(error => terminal.error(error.message));
bot.cmd('version', (ctx) => {
return bot.sendMessage(ctx, `<code>${JSON.stringify(bot.version, null, 2)}<code>`, { parse_mode: 'HTML' });
- Generator:
const bot = new duaGram(options);
Item | Description | Default |
api_id | get it from | |
api_hash | get it from | |
session | session string | |
session_name | Session name | - |
local | with local database | false |
logLevel | Show log level 0 off, 1 event name, 2 detail | 1 |
logDetail | Event Detail (none, error, warn, info, debug) | info |
as_bot_api | Login as bot API? 0 false / 1 true | 0 |
bot_token | Token Bot API @botfahter | |
connectionRetries | Connection Retry | 3 |
floodSleepThreshold | FloodWait error ? Set this | 120 |
markRead | Mark message history as read | TRUE |
cmdPrefix | prefix for command trigger | !/. |
Available :
- on(
updateType, stop=true
) - cmd(
string, callback, stop=true
) - hear(
regex|string, callback, stop=true
) - hears(
regex|string, callback, stop=true
) alias hear - command alias
bot.cmd('ping', callback);
bot.hear('hello', callback);
bot.hear(/^!time$/i, callback);
bot.hear(/coffee/i, callback, false); // if found stopable? false. So, catch condition anatoher again bellow
bot.hear(/tea/i, callback);
bot.on('message', (ctx, _ctx) => terminal.less(ctx) );
- connected
- raw
- message
- media
- all class names in mtproto, according to the log details
You can see on
message too.
Class name event example:
- UpdateNewMessage
- UpdateShortMessage
- UpdateReadHistoryOutbox
- UpdateDeleteMessages
- UpdateUserTyping
- etc... schema
Result object
raw without middleware effect.
Method or Accessors of duaGram.
method | description |
telegram | collection function duagram |
Api | access for API Telegram |
client | client connecton |
BotApi | wrapper for Bot Api Telegram |
terminal | console replacement for colorful and bettermore |
lessLog | better thanconsole.log function, less prefix _ field |
asBotApi | true /false |
version | duagrams version info |
cmdPrefix | default is.!/ |
Helper | Go to helper doc |
const bot = new duaGram({...});
bot.cmdPrefix = '~'; // bot.cmd('ping', ..) => ~ping
- tg (alias
) - invoke(
) - sendMessage(
peer, text, more
) - ... etc (like telegram method)
- invoke(
) - getPeerId(
) - sendMessage(
peer, text, more
) - editMessage(
peer, id, text, more
) - deleteMessages(
peer, ids, more
) - forwardMessages(
peerFrom, peerTo, ids, more
) - getMessages(
peer, ids
) - pinMessage(
peer, id, more
) - unpinAllMessages(
) - readHistory(
peer, more
) - getUserPhotos(
peer, more
) - getUserInfo(
) - editAdmin(
peerChatId, peerUserId, more = {}
) - editBanned(
peerChatId, peerUserId, more = {}
) - joinGroup(
) - readMentions(
) - readMessageContents(
) - deleteHistory(
peer, more
) - deleteUserHistory(
channelId, userId
Middleware is an essential part of any modern framework. It allows you to modify requests and responses as they pass between the Telegram and your bot.
You can imagine middleware as a chain of logic connection your bot to the Telegram request.
Middleware normally takes two parameters (ctx, next)
, ctx
is the context for one Telegram update, next
is a function that is invoked to execute the downstream middleware. It returns a Promise with a then function for running code after completion.
bot.middleware((ctx, next) => {
ctx.additional = 'message test from middleware';
bot.cmd('plus', async (ctx) => {
if (!ctx.out)
return bot.sendMessage(, `Hooked: ${ctx.additional}`);
Middleware more information: click here.
Client Details
- start()
- checkAuthorization()
- signInUser()
- signInUserWithQrCode()
- signInWithPassword()
- inlineQuery()
- buildReplyMarkup()
- downloadFile()
- downloadProfilePhoto()
- downloadMedia()
- setParseMode()
- iterMessages()
- getMessages()
- sendMessage()
- forwardMessages()
- editMessage()
- iterDialogs()
- getDialogs()
- iterParticipants()
- getParticipants()
- removeEventHandler()
- listEventHandlers()
- uploadFile()
- sendFile()
- invoke()
- getMe()
- isBot()
- isUserAuthorized()
- getInputEntity()
- getPeerId()
- connect()
- getDC()
- disconnect()
- destroy()
- ... etc
List details
If you are Indonesian, let's join the @ubotindonesia telegram group.
see you again ^^