Wrapper utils to allow gen3datamodel.models to be loaded after initialization.
For example
from datamodelutils import models
from dictionaryutils import DataDictionary, dictionary
d = DataDictionary(url="https://s3.amazonaws.com/dictionary-artifacts/bhcdictionary/feat/s3/schema.json")
# Always import gen3datamodel after dictionary has been initialized.
# Creates a singleton for life of python session.
# Required for backward compatibility.
from gen3datamodel import models as md
will produce output of
<module 'gen3datamodel.models' from '/Users/phillis/Documents/work/datamodelutils/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gen3datamodel/gen3datamodel/models/__init__.py'>
The datamodelutils has a docker image that exposes admin commands to manage or interact with datamodel
Script to do database creation and migration
# setup all tables, this should be run when you initialize the database
> export PG_HOST=localhost
> export PG_USER=test
> export PG_PASS=test
> export PG_NAME=test_graph
> export DICTIONARY_URL="https://s3.amazonaws.com/dictionary-artifacts/<dictionary_repl>/<branch>/schema.json"
> datamodel_postgres_admin create-all
# setup/create new graph tables, this should be run for dictionary migrations that needs to setup new tables
datamodel_postgres_admin graph-create
repl to interact with datamodel
> export PG_HOST=localhost
> export PG_USER=test
> export PG_PASS=test
> export PG_NAME=test_graph
> export DICTIONARY_URL="https://s3.amazonaws.com/dictionary-artifacts/<dictionary_repl>/<branch>/schema.json"
> datamodel_repl
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In [1]: g.nodes(md.Project).first()
Out[1]: <Project(a77f549b-c74b-563e-80bb-570b5a4dde88)>