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Install guide for HLStats 1.65 on CentOS 7

First, create a new virtual machine with the CentOS 7.X virtual machine. Use the CentOS 7 DVD that you can download from

You don't need a lot of horse power for this VM so 10GB of disk and 1GB of memory is a good place to start.

Base Environment: Basic Web Server

Once the OS is installed and boots for the first time, install VMWare tools. That process goes like this

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
cd ~
tar xvfz /mnt/VMWare<whatever date>.gz
cd vmware-tools/distrib
Just accept all the defaults

Next do an initial update with yum update and install all the available updates and reboot the machine

Next we need to install MariaDB (MySQL)

yum install mariadb mariadb-server
systemctl start mariadb
systemctl enable mariadb

Some other pre-requisites that we need

yum install gcc
yum install php php-mysqli

Make sure Apache starts on boot

systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd

Create a user to run the HLStats daemon

useradd hlstats

Set the root MySQL user password

mysqladmin -u root password <password>

Fetch HLStats and uncompress files to appropriate locations

tar xvfz HLStats-1.65.tar.gz
cd HLStats-1.65
mkdir /var/www/html/hlstats
cp -R web/* /var/www/html/hlstats/

Now we need to create the hlstats database

mysqladmin create hlstats --user=root -p

Now we need to grant the user access to the database to the hlstats user. Whatever you put for the password will need to be used for all the hlstat configuration files to follow.

mysql --user=root -p
GRANT ALL ON hlstats.* TO 'hlstats'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Now let's work on building the database

cd install
cp hlstats.sql.with.placeholder hlstats.sql

Edit the SQL script with nano -w hlstats.sql and search and replace #DB_PREFIX# with hlstats and save. Then run the script to create the database with:

mysql --user=root -p hlstats < hlstats.sql

Let's move on to the configuration of the daemon

cd ../daemon
cp hlstats.conf.ini.sample hlstats.conf.ini
nano -w hlstats.conf.ini

Set the DBUsername, DBPassword and DBPrefix based upon the configuration done above and save.

Now we need to configure the web interface to talk to the database as well.

cd /var/www/html/hlstats/hlstatsinc
cp hlstats.conf.example.php hlstats.conf.php
nano -w hlstats.conf.php

Set the DB parameters in a similar fashion

Let's open up the port 80 on the firewall

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

ifconfig to see what your internal IP address is. From your workstation running windows http:///hlstats/index.php?mode=admin

username: admin password: 123456

Let's install the PERL modules that we're going to need

yum install perl-CPAN
perl -MCPAN -e shell

Choose all the defaults. Once screen prompt appears run all of these commands.

install Bundle::DBI
install Config::Tiny
install Digest::MD5

Open the port for the HLStats daemon to receive logs

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=27500/udp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

Let's run the daemon as a different user so we'll move those files

cd ~
mv HLStats-1.65 ~hlstats/
chown hlstats.hlstats ~hlstats/HLStats-1.65

Let's shift from root to the hlstats user and test some things out

su - hlstats
cd ~/HLStats-1.65/daemon/
perl ./

Make sure it fires up successfully then CTRL-C it

Create that looks like this:

cd ~/HLStats-1.65/daemon/
while true; do nohup perl ./; sleep 5; done &

Give the file permissions

chmod u+x ./

Return to the root user by typing exit

Let's make this start up. First make rc.local executable

chmod u+x /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Let's edit the startup script

nano -w /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Add this line to the bottom of it

su -s /bin/bash -c "/home/hlstats/HLStats-1.65/daemon/" hlstats &

Save the file then reboot Test that when the machine starts that it's listening on the web and daemon ports

netstat -a -n | egrep "80|27500"


Install guide for HLStats 1.65 on CentOS 7







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