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William Chern edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 9 revisions

LTI Media Resources wiki

App Architecture

File structure:

  • πŸ“ .github
    • GitHub actions and Dependabot config are found here
  • πŸ“ migrations
    • MongoDB migration scripts for setting up necessary db collections
  • πŸ“ public
    • Contains all static files that the server will serve, such as images
  • πŸ“ src
    • πŸ“ client
      • πŸ“ components
        • Includes folders for frontend React components
        • Code reused between different views should be separated into reusable components
        • Each folder name is the component name, with the main file in each folder being index.js, which can be imported by other components
          • Supporting component .js files used only by the enclosing component should also be placed within the folder
        • Top-level components that use a top-level folder: Reusable components and the 4 main tabs
      • πŸ“ services
        • Includes functions that are used among components, such as getting ltik token
      • πŸ“„ index.js
        • This file is generated by React that creates an entry point to the app
    • πŸ“ server
      • πŸ“ api
        • Defines backend routes used by the frontend to retrieve and send data
      • πŸ“ jobs
        • Contains Node.js scripts for server jobs, such as those for updating the databases for Bruincast, Video Reserves, and Music Reserves records
      • πŸ“ models
        • Defines functions for querying, aggregating, or updating data directly with the database
      • πŸ“ services
        • Processes and formats data received from /models before passing it to /api routes
      • πŸ“„ index.js
        • Ltijs and express setup
  • πŸ“„ constants.js
    • Defines constants for better organization and readability of parameters and variables such as mediaType, tab indices, and collection names
  • πŸ“„ .env.dist
    • When setting up the app locally, copy .env.dist to a new .env file, and fill in the values
    • Environmental variables, such as API URLs, logins, and tokens, should be included here, but left blank
    • Secrets and sensitive info should be prefixed with SECRET_ so that git-secrets will prevent the details from being committed
  • πŸ“„
    • Lays out important setup instructions

Adding new features

Creating a new backend route

  1. Create a function in πŸ“/src/server/models/mediaqueries.js to get raw data from the database or update data into the database
  2. In the appropriate service in πŸ“/src/server/services, call the query function and modify/format data as needed
  3. Create the backend route in πŸ“/src/server/api/ that calls the service and returns what's returned from the service
  4. On the frontend, use Axios HTTP request to the route

Adding a new component

  • If the component may be reused across different views or in other components, create a new folder for the component in πŸ“/src/client/components, and within that folder create πŸ“„index.js
    • e.g. Comment, MediaView, Analytics
  • If this new component will only be used as part of another component, create a js file for that component within the parent component's folder
    • e.g. MediaPlayer.js, AdminListingsToggle.js