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Manual Testing

Janell Huyck edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 11 revisions

Manual Testing Script for Publication Information Collection App

1. Introduction:

Welcome to the manual testing session. This app facilitates the collection of publication details. Your feedback is pivotal. Follow the instructions and report any anomalies or feedback.

2. Prerequisites:

  • Device/Browser: Test on desktop/laptop using Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
  • URL:
  • Test Accounts:
    • Admin User: listed in the config vault in production.local. Look for ADMIN_USERNAME and ADMIN_PASSWORD

3. Test Scenarios:

3.1. General Navigation:

  • Visit the provided URL. Check for a successful landing page load.
  • Browse all pages, checking for layout discrepancies or broken links.
  • Do the same with a mobile view on Chrome browser or by visiting the url with a mobile phone.

3.2. Regular User Functions:

  1. Home Page (Sign-In):

    • Visit the provided URL. The home page should predominantly be a sign-in page.
    • Ensure no "My Publications" or "I'm Finished" links are present in the header at this stage.
    • Provide submitter details on the sign-in page. Test both normal inputs and boundary conditions.
    • In the submitter's email field, use a valid UC email address. Emails will bounce if sent to Outlook.
    • Upon successful submission, the user should be redirected to the "publications" page.
  2. Visiting Admin Pages as a non-admin:

    • Ensure that you are unable to access the admin-only pages "/citations"
    • Change the URL to another submitter's id that has a lower submitter id than you and try to change their profile. Example: "/submitters/3/edit" when you are submitter # 5. You should get a 404 page.
    • Try to edit a submitter that doesn't exist yet. (Example: /submitters/300/edit when you are submitter #5.) It should redirect to a 404 page.
    • Try to visit "/toggle-link". You should be redirected to a 404 page.
    • Try to download a CSV file of one of the publication types by visiting the download URL (Example for artwork: "/csv/artworks.csv"). You should be redirected to a 404 page. KNOWN BUG: displays a 500-error page.
    • Try to visit a paginated version of your submissions by going to something like: "/publications?page_artworks=2". You should be redirected to a 404 page. KNOWN BUG: displays Publications page.
    • Try to view (Example: /books/6) and edit (Example: /books/6/edit) a previously submitted publication that is not yours. You should get a 404 page.
  3. Publications Page ("/publications"):

    • Ensure the submitter's details are displayed at the top with an option to edit (FA icon only).
    • Go to edit your profile, make a change, and save the change by clicking "Next". You should get a notification that the change was saved and be redirected back to the Publications page.
    • Confirm that changes made during editing the submitter details are saved and reflected correctly. They should be reflected in your contact info on the Publications page.
    • Verify that you do NOT see a list of all submitters. (That is an admin-only view.)
    • Verify "My Publications" and "I'm Finished" links are now visible in the header. In tablet and mobile views, this is accessed by a hamburger menu on the top right of the page.
    • Publications should be listed and categorized by type. You shouldn't have any visible at this point.
    • Add at least one artwork and one non-artwork publication.
    • When adding the artwork, there shouldn't be any reference on the page to an "author". When adding the non-artwork publication, there shouldn't be any reference on the page to an "artist".
    • Try adding and removing additional artists/authors for each. You should be able to add as many as you want, and when you remove one it should be deleted correctly from the list. The first author/artist is never deletable, but you should be able to modify it. You should not be able to save a blank first or last name for any of the authors/artists. You should be able to save a two-word (or more) first or last name ("Bobby Sue Smith", "Jo Van Dearson")
    • If you click "Other" in the Colleges list, a previously hidden field for "Other College" should appear. Changes you make to that field should persist if you uncheck the "Other" box, but if you save with "Other" unchecked, the other college should not be saved.
    • First name, last name, and title are mandatory - you shouldn't be able to save without all three fields filled.
    • The publication should save when you hit "Submit". You should be redirected to the publications page on submission, and your work should be visible under the correct header (Artwork, Book, etc).
    • Make sure you can edit that submission by clicking on the edit button to the right of that submission.
    • After submitting a publication, check your UC mail. Verify that you received a confirmation email from Melissa Norris.
    • For each type you have created:
      • Ensure a "New" button is present if fewer than three publications of that type have been submitted.
      • Check each entry for:
        1. Title of Submitted Work: Hyperlink should lead to the detailed view. Ensure an edit link on the details page.
        2. Author(s) truncated to 12 characters.
        3. Author Colleges (Including any "Other" college as appropriate or not.
        4. UC Departments or Divisions.
        5. Edit and delete icons. Test both and validate functionality.
    • Continue to add publications to verify that the "New" button disappears for the type when there are 3 publications of a single type.
    • Attempt to add a fourth publication of the same type by using browser buttons to navigate "back" to the submission page. (You shouldn't be able to add a fourth.)
  4. Logout:

    • Click "I'm Finished". Ensure the user is logged out and redirected to a thank-you page.

Now, the flow starts with the user signing in by providing their information on the "manage" page. After this, they're directed to the "publications" page where they can see and edit their details and manage their submissions. The adjusted script takes this flow into account.

3.3. Admin Functions:

  1. Admin Login:

    • Attempt login with incorrect credentials and check error messages.
    • Use the provided admin credentials from the config vault for successful login. If running locally in development mode, you can use the username "test" and password "password".
  2. All Publications:

    • After logging in, you should be at "All Publications".
    • Publications should be categorized by type with a maximum of 10 items per page.
    • The first section should be Submitters, followed by sections for each publication type.
    • For each type of publication:
      • Confirm the display of:
        1. Title of Submitted Work (Clicking takes you to a show page for that work).
        2. Truncated list of authors.
        3. Author colleges.
        4. UC Department or Divisions.
        5. Edit and delete icons. Test both and validate functionality.
    • Ensure proper pagination functionality.
    • You should not have an option to add a "new" publication.

2.1. Pagination for Admin's Page:

  • Only 10 items should be displayed per page.
  • Navigate between pages, confirming content variation.
  • The last page might have fewer items if not a multiple of 10.
  1. Submitters Section:

    • Check for:
      1. ID: Hyperlink should display all publications by that submitter.
      2. Name: Hyperlink should lead to detailed submitter info.
      3. UC College.
      4. UC Department or Divisions.
      5. Email address: Hyperlink should initiate an email using the default program.
      6. Edit icon leading to submitter profile editing. No delete icon should be present.
  2. Citations Page:

    • Navigate to "Citations".
    • Confirm publication citations, categorized alphabetically by UC college.
    • Ensure no display of publications without a college attached.
  3. Downloading CSV:

    • Above the Pagy navigation buttons but below the heading for both each publication type and for submitters, you should see an icon to download a CSV file. It looks like a blue page with the corner folded over and a white down-arrow on the page. Click that to download a CSV file of the section. Verify that you get a valid CSV file that opens and correctly displays the information from that section.
  4. Logout:

    • Click "I'm Finished". Ensure logout and redirection to the home page.
    • Ensure you can no longer visit the citations page by typing it into the address bar. Ensure that navigating to publications redirects you to the sign-up page for submitters.

3.5. Edge Cases:

  • Navigate using browser buttons.
  • Refresh during different actions, confirming data integrity.
  • Try accessing admin features without login.

4. Reporting:

During testing, for any issues:

  • Document steps to reproduce.
  • Detail expected vs. actual outcomes.
  • Provide screenshots or recordings.
  • Note any displayed error messages. Compile findings and create issues in Github or App Portfolio.

5. Conclusion:

Thank you for this testing session. Your feedback ensures the app's quality.