Clean version here:
Repository for the number matrix completion for freebase data on statistical regions
Preprocessing order:
- to get the JSONs for all statistical regions in FreeBase.
- to extract the most recent numbers mentioned for each statistical region in a triple form: region-property-value
- to get the countries and properties with most values filled in (2 parameters to play with)
- to run queries of the form "region + property" on Bing and get JSONs back with the links
- to get the html from the links
- Gets the common aliases for the statistical regions considered needed for the matrix filtering later on was an attempt to do the FreeBaseDownload using only the MQL API. While it is more elegant to code up, it turns out that the MQL API doesn't have access to all the data in FreeBase, thus there is no point in using it.
Then we run the following bits of Java from the HTML2Stanford: HTML2Text Text2Parsed2JSON (careful to use the CollapsedCCproccessed dependencies)
And then:
- this builds a json file which is a dictionary from pattern (string or lexicalized dependencies) to countries/locations and then to the values.
- this takes the matrix from the previous step and filters its values and patterns to avoid those without enough entries or those whose entries have too much deviation so they cannot be sensibly averaged. Also uses the aliases to merge the values for different location names used in the experiments. 2a. Just a sanity check that the patterns extracted from the data have a chance of getting the numbers right.
Split the data into training/dev and test