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The UCloud CLI provides a unified command line interface to UCloud services. It works on ucloud-sdk-go based on UCloud OpenAPI and supports Linux, macOS and Windows. https://docs.ucloud.cn/developer/cli/index
Using Homebrew(Recommended on macOS)
The Homebrew package manager may be used on macOS and Linux. It could install ucloud-cli and its dependencies automatically by running command below.
brew install ucloud
If you have installed ucloud-cli already and want to upgrade to the latest version, just run:
brew upgrade ucloud
If you come across some errors during the installation via homebrew, please update the homebrew first and try again.
brew update
If the error is still unresolved, try the following command for help.
brew doctor
Building from source(Recommended if you have golang installed)
If you have installed git and golang on your platform, you can fetch the source code of ucloud cli from github and complie it by yourself.
git clone https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli.git
cd ucloud-cli
make install
Upgrade to latest version
cd ucloud-cli
git pull
make install
Downloading binary release(Recommended on Linux)
Visit the releases page of ucloud cli, and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. Download the archive , check the shasum256 hashcode and extract it to your $PATH
For example
curl -OL https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/releases/download/0.1.22/ucloud-cli-linux-0.1.22-amd64.tgz
echo "efbfb6d36d99f692b1f9cc7c9e3858047bb7b4fca6205c454098267e660b41d9 *ucloud-cli-linux-0.1.22-amd64.tgz" | shasum -c //check shasum to verify whether the downloaded tarball was hijacked. get the shasum from release page
tar zxf ucloud-cli-linux-0.1.22-amd64.tgz -C /usr/local/bin/
Building from source
Download the source code of ucloud cli from releases page and extract it. You can also download it by running git clone https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli.git
Go to the directory of the source code, and then compile the source code by running go build -mod=vendor -o ucloud.exe
After that add ucloud.exe to your environment variable PATH. You could follow this document if you don't know how to do.
Open CMD Terminal and run ucloud --version
to test installation.
Downloading binary release
Vist the releases page of ucloud cli, and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. Download the archive , and extract it. Add binary file ucloud.exe to your environment variable PATH following this document
If you have installed docker on your platform, pull the docker image embedded ucloud cli by follow command. Lookup Dockerfile from here
docker pull uhub.service.ucloud.cn/ucloudcli/ucloud-cli:source-code
Create a docker container named ucloud-cli using the docker image your have pulled by following command.
docker run --name ucloud-cli -it -d uhub.service.ucloud.cn/ucloudcli/ucloud-cli:source-code
Run bash command in ucloud-cli container, and then you could play with ucloud cli.
docker exec -it ucloud-cli zsh
UCloud CLI also has auto-completion support. It can be set up so that if you partially type a command and then press TAB, the rest of the command is automatically filled in.
Bash shell
Add following scripts to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc and then restart your terminal or run source <~/.bash_profile|~/.bashrc>
complete -C $(which ucloud) ucloud
Zsh shell
Add following scripts to ~/.zshrc and then restart your terminal or run source ~/.zshrc
autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit
complete -F $(which ucloud) ucloud
Zsh builtin command bashcompinit may not work on some platform. If the scripts don't work on your OS, try following scripts
_ucloud() {
read -l;
local cl="$REPLY";
read -ln;
local cp="$REPLY";
reply=(`COMP_SHELL=zsh COMP_LINE="$cl" COMP_POINT="$cp" ucloud`)
compctl -K _ucloud ucloud
The UCloud CLI supports using any of multiple named profiles that are stored in config.json and credential.json files which located in ~/.ucloud.
You can configure additional profiles by using ucloud config add
with the --profile flag, or by adding entries to the config.json and credential.json files.
ucloud init will add profile named default if you do not have an active profile, and it does its best to reduce configuration items for first-time use of ucloud-cli.
There are 10 configuration items
- Profile: name of the profile, duplicated names are not allowed. It can be override by --profile flag
- Active: Whether to take effect, Only one profile is active
- ProjectID: ID of default project, and it can be override by --project-id flag
- Region: default region, it can be override by --region flag
- Zone: default zone, it can be override by --zone flag
- BaseURL: default url of UCloud Open API, it can be override by --base-url flag
- Timeout: default timeout value of querying UCloud Open API, unit second. It can be override by --timeout flag
- PublicKey: public key of your account. It can be override by --public-key flag
- PrivateKey: private key of your account. It can be override by --private-key flag
- MaxRetryTimes: default max retry times for failed API request. It only works for idempotent APIs which can be called many times without side effect, for example 'ReleaseEIP', and it can be override by --max-retry-times flag
Run the command below to get started and configure ucloud-cli.
$ ucloud init
List all profiles (for example)
$ ucloud config list
Profile Active ProjectID Region Zone BaseURL Timeout PublicKey PrivateKey MaxRetryTimes
default true org-oxjwoi cn-bj2 cn-bj2-05 https://api.ucloud.cn/ 15 YSQGIZrL*****nCRQ= jtma2eqQ*****+Avms 3
uweb false org-bdks4e cn-bj2 cn-bj2-05 https://api.ucloud.cn/ 15 4E9UU0Vh*****PWQ== 694581ea*****a0d45 3
Add additional profiles
$ ucloud config add --profile <new-profie-name> --public-key xxx --private-key xxx
To change configuration items of specified profile, run:
$ ucloud config update --profile xxx --region cn-sh2
For more information, run:
$ ucloud config --help
I want to create a uhost in Nigeria (region: air-nigeria) and bind a public IP, and then configure GlobalSSH to accelerate efficiency of SSH service beyond China mainland.
Firstly, create an uhost instance:
$ ucloud uhost create --cpu 1 --memory-gb 1 --password **** --image-id uimage-fya3qr
uhost[uhost-zbuxxxx] is initializing...done
Run command below to get details about the parameters of creating new uhost instance.
$ ucloud uhost create --help
Secondly, we're going to allocate an EIP and then bind it to the uhost created above.
$ ucloud eip allocate --bandwidth-mb 1
allocate EIP[eip-xxx] IP:106.75.xx.xx Line:BGP
$ ucloud eip bind --eip-id eip-xxx --resource-id uhost-xxx
bind EIP[eip-xxx] with uhost[uhost-xxx]
The operations above also can be done by one command
$ ucloud uhost create --cpu 1 --memory-gb 1 --password **** --image-id uimage-fya3qr --create-eip-bandwidth-mb 1
Configure the GlobalSSH to the uhost instance and login the instance via GlobalSSH
$ ucloud gssh create --location Washington --target-ip
gssh[uga-0psxxx] created
$ ssh root@
root@'s password: password of the uhost instance
Using command "ucloud api" to call any API.Fill in the parameters of an API in sequence according to the API documentation. This command is quite special, and public parameters such as --public-key,--private-key,--debug,--profile,--timeout-sec are not supported. If you want to tune on debug mode, set environment variable $UCLOUD_CLI_DEBUG=on
$ ucloud api --Action <APIName> --Param1 <value> --Param2 <value> ...
You can also put those API parameters into a json file, like this.
$ ucloud api --local-file ./create_uhost.json
//content of file create_uhost.json
"NetworkInterface": [{
"PayMode": "Bandwidth"