- Run the server first by running the Server.java file.
- Run the application itself by running the App.java file.
- The list of recipes that you have created while the server has been running will be displayed.
- In order to create an account, click on the "Create one." button
- This will take you to the Create Account Window, where you can create an account
- Enter your desired username and password
- Click the "Create Account" button
- If the account information is not valid then an error message will display
- Once you have entered valid account information and clicked create account, the app will take you to the Login Window prompting you to login
- In order to login to your account, first enter the correct account information
- If you want to save your account information and automatically login next time, check the remember me box and then click login
- Click on the "Login" button
- This will take you to the recipe list window with your saved recipies
- In order to create a new recipe, click on the "+" button at the bottom of the screen.
- This will take you to the Generate Recipes Window, where you can make a recipe using a voice recording.
- Start your recording by pressing the "start" button and stop it when you are done by pressing the "stop" button.
- Make sure to include a meal type in your voice recording.
- If your voice prompt is valid then a transcription of your recording will appear on the screen.
- If it is not valid then a message will display prompting you to redo the recording.
- Once you have a valid voice prompt, press "Generate", which will open the Detailed Recipe window with the details of the recipe that the app has generated.
- Once you have generated a recipe, or have made edits that you want to save, press the "Save" button.
- Then you can click the "Back" button to exit to the main window, where you can find the saved recipe.
- If you have already created a recipe and you would like to access its contents, simply click on the name of the Recipe and it will open a new window with its contents.
- If you want to edit a recipe, click the "Edit" button, which will now allow you to edit the content of the recipe.
- Once you are done editing, press "Save" to save your edits and "Back" to go back to the main window.
- To delete a recipe that you no longer want, click on the recipe in the main window.
- Then, simply press the "Delete" button and the "Back" button and your recipe will no longer be there.
- In order to sort the recipe list alphabetically or chronologically in ascending or descending order, click on the drop down titled "Chronologically ASC"
- Choose your desired sorting option by clicking on one of the options of "Chronologically ASC," "Chronologically DSC." "Alphabetically ASC," and "Alphabetically DSC"
- Once you have click the sorting option, the page will automatically reload to the sorted list with respect to the sort option
- In order to filter recipe list by meal type, click on the drop down titled "No Filter"
- Choose your desired filter option by clicking on one of the options of "Breakfast," "Lunch," "Dinner," and "No Filter"
- Once you have clicked the filtering option, the page will automatically reload to the filtered list with respect to the filter option
- In order to reload a generated recipe, click on the "Reload" button after generating a recipe
- The app will regenerate and reload the page to display the newly generated recipe
- In order to share a recipe, click on the recipe you wish to share from the list of recipes
- Click on the "Share" button
- A popup will appear with a copyable link for that respective recipe
- Copy the link and click the "okay" button
- The popup will close and you now have a copied link to share
- In order to view to shared recipe link, past the link into the browser
- The window will display details about the shared recipe