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Merge pull request #2418 from ucsd-progsys/fd/assumptions-names
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Use GHC Name for assumptions
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facundominguez authored Nov 1, 2024
2 parents 07be3dc + f12e832 commit 1e80bb6
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Showing 35 changed files with 299 additions and 170 deletions.
26 changes: 23 additions & 3 deletions liquidhaskell-boot/src-ghc/Liquid/GHC/API.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -445,7 +445,12 @@ import GHC.Plugins as Ghc ( Serialized(Serialized)
, extendIdSubst
, substExpr
import GHC.Core.FVs as Ghc (exprFreeVars, exprFreeVarsList, exprSomeFreeVarsList)
import GHC.Core.FVs as Ghc
( exprFreeVars
, exprFreeVarsList
, exprsOrphNames
, exprSomeFreeVarsList
import GHC.Core.Opt.OccurAnal as Ghc
( occurAnalysePgm )
import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs as Ghc (tyCoVarsOfCo, tyCoVarsOfType)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -543,6 +548,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Annotations as Ghc
import GHC.Types.Avail as Ghc
( AvailInfo(Avail, AvailTC)
, availNames
, availsToNameSet
import GHC.Types.Basic as Ghc
( Arity
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -630,6 +636,11 @@ import GHC.Types.Name as Ghc
import GHC.Types.Name.Env as Ghc
( lookupNameEnv )
import GHC.Types.Name.Set as Ghc
( NameSet
, elemNameSet
, nameSetElemsStable
import GHC.Types.Name.Cache as Ghc (NameCache)
import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence as Ghc
( NameSpace
Expand All @@ -639,14 +650,23 @@ import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence as Ghc
, tcName
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader as Ghc
( GlobalRdrEnv
( FieldsOrSelectors(WantNormal)
, GlobalRdrEnv
, GREInfo
, ImpItemSpec(ImpAll)
, LookupGRE(LookupRdrName)
, WhichGREs(SameNameSpace)
, WhichGREs
( SameNameSpace
, RelevantGREs
, includeFieldSelectors
, lookupTyConsAsWell
, lookupVariablesForFields
, getRdrName
, globalRdrEnvElts
, greName
, lookupGRE
, lookupGRE_Name
, mkQual
, mkRdrQual
, mkRdrUnqual
Expand Down
100 changes: 81 additions & 19 deletions liquidhaskell-boot/src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Bare.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ import qualified Liquid.GHC.API as Ghc
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Types (StableName)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Errors
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.DataDecl
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Names
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.PredType
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RType
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,10 +168,12 @@ makeTargetSpec cfg lmap targetSrc bareSpec dependencies = do
-- Ghc.execOptions

diagOrSpec <- makeGhcSpec cfg (fromTargetSrc targetSrc) lmap legacyBareSpec legacyDependencies
return $ do
(warns, ghcSpec) <- diagOrSpec
let (targetSpec, liftedSpec) = toTargetSpec ghcSpec
pure (phaseOneWarns <> warns, targetSpec, liftedSpec)
case diagOrSpec of
Left d -> return $ Left d
Right (warns, ghcSpec) -> do
let (targetSpec, liftedSpec) = toTargetSpec ghcSpec
liftedSpec' <- removeUnexportedLocalAssumptions liftedSpec
return $ Right (phaseOneWarns <> warns, targetSpec, liftedSpec')

toLegacyDep :: (Ghc.StableModule, LiftedSpec) -> (ModName, Ms.BareSpec)
toLegacyDep (sm, ls) = (ModName SrcImport (Ghc.moduleName . Ghc.unStableModule $ sm), unsafeFromLiftedSpec ls)
Expand All @@ -180,6 +184,17 @@ makeTargetSpec cfg lmap targetSrc bareSpec dependencies = do
legacyBareSpec :: Ms.BareSpec
legacyBareSpec = fromBareSpec bareSpec

-- Assumptions about local functions that are not exported aren't useful for
-- other modules.
removeUnexportedLocalAssumptions :: LiftedSpec -> Ghc.TcRn LiftedSpec
removeUnexportedLocalAssumptions lspec = do
tcg <- Ghc.getGblEnv
let exportedNames = Ghc.availsToNameSet (Ghc.tcg_exports tcg)
exportedAssumption (LHNResolved (LHRGHC n) _) =
Ghc.nameModule_maybe n /= Just (Ghc.tcg_mod tcg) || Ghc.elemNameSet n exportedNames
exportedAssumption _ = True
return lspec { liftedAsmSigs = S.filter (exportedAssumption . val . fst) (liftedAsmSigs lspec) }

-- | @makeGhcSpec@ invokes @makeGhcSpec0@ to construct the @GhcSpec@ and then
-- validates it using @checkGhcSpec@.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -974,10 +989,26 @@ allAsmSigs env myName specs = do
let aSigs = [ (name, locallyDefined, x, t) | (name, spec) <- M.toList specs
, (locallyDefined, x, t) <- getAsmSigs myName name spec ]
vSigs <- forM aSigs $ \(name, locallyDefined, x, t) -> do
vMb <- lookupSymbolOrLHName name locallyDefined x
return (vMb, (locallyDefined, name, t))
return $ Misc.groupList
[ (v, z) | (Just v, z) <- vSigs
-- TODO: we require signatures to be in scope because LH includes them in
-- the environment of contraints sometimes. The criteria to add bindings to
-- constraints should account instead for what logic functions are used in
-- the constraints, which should be easier to do when precise renaming has
-- been implemented for expressions and reflected functions.
, isUsedExternalVar v || isInScope v
lookupSymbolOrLHName :: ModName -> Bool -> SymbolOrLHName -> Bare.Lookup (Maybe Ghc.Var)
lookupSymbolOrLHName _name _locallyDefined (SOLLHName x) =
Just <$> Bare.lookupGhcIdLHName env x
lookupSymbolOrLHName name locallyDefined (SOLSymbol x) = do
-- Qualified assumes that refer to module aliases import declarations
-- are resolved looking at import declarations
let (mm, s) = Bare.unQualifySymbol (val x)
vMb <- if not (isAbsoluteQualifiedSym mm) then resolveAsmVar env name locallyDefined x
if not (isAbsoluteQualifiedSym mm) then resolveAsmVar env name locallyDefined x
else if locallyDefined then
-- Fully qualified assumes that are locally defined produce an error if they aren't found
lookupImportedSym x (mm, s)
Expand All @@ -988,9 +1019,7 @@ allAsmSigs env myName specs = do
-- LH seems to send here assumes for data constructors that
-- yield Nothing, like for GHC.Types.W#
return $ lookupImportedSymMaybe (mm, s)
return (vMb, (locallyDefined, name, t))
return $ Misc.groupList [ (v, z) | (Just v, z) <- vSigs ]

lookupImportedSym x qp =
let errRes = Left [Bare.errResolve "variable" "Var" x]
in maybe errRes (Right . Just) $
Expand All @@ -1005,17 +1034,44 @@ allAsmSigs env myName specs = do
isAbsoluteQualifiedSym Nothing =

isUsedExternalVar :: Ghc.Var -> Bool
isUsedExternalVar v = case Ghc.idDetails v of
Ghc.DataConWrapId dc ->
Ghc.getName v `Ghc.elemNameSet` Bare.reUsedExternals env
Ghc.getName (Ghc.dataConWorkId dc) `Ghc.elemNameSet` Bare.reUsedExternals env
_ ->
Ghc.getName v `Ghc.elemNameSet` Bare.reUsedExternals env

isInScope :: Ghc.Var -> Bool
isInScope v0 =
let inScope v = not $ null $
(Ghc.tcg_rdr_env $ Bare.reTcGblEnv env)
(Ghc.getName v)
in -- Names of data constructors are not found in the variable namespace
-- so we look them instead in the data constructor namespace.
case Ghc.idDetails v0 of
Ghc.DataConWrapId dc -> inScope dc
Ghc.DataConWorkId dc -> inScope dc
_ -> inScope v0

resolveAsmVar :: Bare.Env -> ModName -> Bool -> LocSymbol -> Bare.Lookup (Maybe Ghc.Var)
resolveAsmVar env name True lx = Just <$> Bare.lookupGhcVar env name "resolveAsmVar-True" lx
resolveAsmVar env name False lx = return $ Bare.maybeResolveSym env name "resolveAsmVar-False" lx <|> GM.maybeAuxVar (F.val lx)

-- | Temporary data type to represent a symbol or an LHName while not all of the
-- code has been migrated to use LHName.
data SymbolOrLHName = SOLSymbol LocSymbol | SOLLHName (Located LHName)

getAsmSigs :: ModName -> ModName -> Ms.BareSpec -> [(Bool, LocSymbol, LocBareType)]
getAsmSigs :: ModName -> ModName -> Ms.BareSpec -> [(Bool, SymbolOrLHName, LocBareType)]
getAsmSigs myName name spec
| myName == name = [ (True, x, t) | (x, t) <- Ms.asmSigs spec ] -- MUST resolve, or error
| otherwise = [ (False, x', t) | (x, t) <- Ms.asmSigs spec
++ Ms.sigs spec
, let x' = qSym x ] -- MAY-NOT resolve
| myName == name = [ (True, SOLLHName x, t) | (x, t) <- Ms.asmSigs spec ] -- MUST resolve, or error
| otherwise =
[ (False, x, t)
| (x, t) <- map (first SOLLHName) (Ms.asmSigs spec)
++ map (first (SOLSymbol . qSym)) (Ms.sigs spec)
qSym = fmap (GM.qualifySymbol ns)
ns = F.symbol name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1343,10 +1399,11 @@ makeLiftedSpec :: ModName -> GhcSrc -> Bare.Env
-> GhcSpecRefl -> GhcSpecData -> GhcSpecSig -> GhcSpecQual -> BareRTEnv
-> Ms.BareSpec -> Ms.BareSpec
makeLiftedSpec name src _env refl sData sig qual myRTE lSpec0 = lSpec0
makeLiftedSpec name src env refl sData sig qual myRTE lSpec0 = lSpec0
{ Ms.asmSigs = F.notracepp ("makeLiftedSpec : ASSUMED-SIGS " ++ F.showpp name ) (xbs ++ myDCs)
, Ms.reflSigs = F.notracepp "REFL-SIGS" xbs
, Ms.sigs = F.notracepp ("makeLiftedSpec : LIFTED-SIGS " ++ F.showpp name ) $ mkSigs (gsTySigs sig)
, Ms.reflSigs = F.notracepp "REFL-SIGS" $ map (first (fmap getLHNameSymbol)) xbs
, Ms.sigs = F.notracepp ("makeLiftedSpec : LIFTED-SIGS " ++ F.showpp name ) $
map (first (fmap getLHNameSymbol)) $ mkSigs (gsTySigs sig)
, Ms.invariants = [ (Bare.varLocSym <$> x, Bare.specToBare <$> t)
| (x, t) <- gsInvariants sData
, isLocInFile srcF t
Expand All @@ -1357,12 +1414,11 @@ makeLiftedSpec name src _env refl sData sig qual myRTE lSpec0 = lSpec0
, Ms.qualifiers = filter (isLocInFile srcF) (gsQualifiers qual)
myDCs = [(x,t) | (x,t) <- mkSigs (gsCtors sData)
, F.symbol name == fst (GM.splitModuleName $ val x)]
myDCs = filter (isLocalName . val . fst) $ mkSigs (gsCtors sData)
mkSigs xts = [ toBare (x, t) | (x, t) <- xts
, S.member x sigVars && isExportedVar (toTargetSrc src) x
toBare (x, t) = (Bare.varLocSym x, Bare.specToBare <$> t)
toBare (x, t) = (makeGHCLHNameLocatedFromId x, Bare.specToBare <$> t)
xbs = toBare <$> reflTySigs
sigVars = S.difference defVars reflVars
defVars = S.fromList (_giDefVars src)
Expand All @@ -1371,6 +1427,12 @@ makeLiftedSpec name src _env refl sData sig qual myRTE lSpec0 = lSpec0
-- myAliases fld = M.elems . fld $ myRTE
srcF = _giTarget src

isLocalName = \case
LHNResolved (LHRGHC n) _ ->
Just (Ghc.tcg_mod (Bare.reTcGblEnv env)) == Ghc.nameModule_maybe n
_ ->

-- | Returns 'True' if the input determines a location within the input file. Due to the fact we might have
-- Haskell sources which have \"companion\" specs defined alongside them, we also need to account for this
-- case, by stripping out the extensions and check that the LHS is a Haskell source and the RHS a spec file.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Data.Maybe

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ instance Expand a => Expand (M.HashMap k a) where
expandBareSpec :: BareRTEnv -> F.SourcePos -> Ms.BareSpec -> Ms.BareSpec
expandBareSpec rtEnv l sp = sp
{ measures = expand rtEnv l (measures sp)
, asmSigs = expand rtEnv l (asmSigs sp)
, asmSigs = map (second (expand rtEnv l)) (asmSigs sp)
, sigs = expand rtEnv l (sigs sp)
, localSigs = expand rtEnv l (localSigs sp)
, reflSigs = expand rtEnv l (reflSigs sp)
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions liquidhaskell-boot/src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Bare/Resolve.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Resolve
, lookupGhcDnTyCon
, lookupGhcTyCon
, lookupGhcVar
, lookupGhcIdLHName
, lookupGhcNamedVar
, matchTyCon

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ makeEnv :: Config -> Ghc.Session -> Ghc.TcGblEnv -> GhcSrc -> LogicMap -> [(ModN
makeEnv cfg session tcg src lmap specs = RE
{ reSession = session
, reTcGblEnv = tcg
, reUsedExternals = usedExternals
, reLMap = lmap
, reSyms = syms
, _reSubst = makeVarSubst src
Expand All @@ -120,6 +122,8 @@ makeEnv cfg session tcg src lmap specs = RE
globalSyms = concatMap getGlobalSyms specs
syms = [ (F.symbol v, v) | v <- vars ]
vars = srcVars src
usedExternals = Ghc.exprsOrphNames $ map snd $ Ghc.flattenBinds $ _giCbs src

getGlobalSyms :: (ModName, BareSpec) -> [F.Symbol]
getGlobalSyms (_, spec)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,6 +566,14 @@ lookupGhcDataConLHName env lname = do
_ -> panic
(Just $ GM.fSrcSpan lname) $ "not a data constructor: " ++ show (val lname)

lookupGhcIdLHName :: HasCallStack => Env -> Located LHName -> Lookup Ghc.Id
lookupGhcIdLHName env lname = do
case lookupTyThing env lname of
Ghc.AConLike (Ghc.RealDataCon d) -> Right (Ghc.dataConWorkId d)
Ghc.AnId x -> Right x
_ -> panic
(Just $ GM.fSrcSpan lname) $ "not a variable of data constructor: " ++ show (val lname)

-- | Checking existence of names
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ plugSrc _ = Nothing
data Env = RE
{ reSession :: Ghc.Session
, reTcGblEnv :: Ghc.TcGblEnv
, reUsedExternals :: Ghc.NameSet
, reLMap :: LogicMap
, reSyms :: [(F.Symbol, Ghc.Var)] -- ^ see "syms" in old makeGhcSpec'
, _reSubst :: F.Subst -- ^ see "su" in old makeGhcSpec'
Expand Down

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