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Clear out some cruft from withWiredIn
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gergoerdi committed Oct 18, 2024
1 parent e7d2d00 commit d22ed4f
Showing 1 changed file with 9 additions and 30 deletions.
39 changes: 9 additions & 30 deletions liquidhaskell-boot/src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/GHC/Misc.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad ((>=>), foldM, when)
import Control.Monad ((>=>), foldM, when, forM)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PJ
import Language.Fixpoint.Types hiding (L, panic, Loc (..), SrcSpan, Constant, SESearch (..))
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -899,36 +899,18 @@ withWiredIn :: TcM a -> TcM a
withWiredIn m = discardConstraints $ do
-- undef <- lookupUndef
wiredIns <- mkWiredIns
-- snd <$> tcValBinds Ghc.NotTopLevel (binds undef wiredIns) (sigs wiredIns) m
(_, _, a) <- tcValBinds Ghc.NotTopLevel [] (sigs wiredIns) m
return a

-- lookupUndef = do
-- lookupOrig gHC_ERR (Ghc.mkVarOcc "undefined")
-- -- tcLookupGlobal undefName

-- binds :: Name -> [TcWiredIn] -> [(Ghc.RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcRn)]
-- binds undef wiredIns = map (\w ->
-- let ext = Ghc.unitNameSet undef in -- $ varName $ tyThingId undef in
-- let co_fn = idHsWrapper in
-- let matches =
-- let ctxt = LambdaExpr in
-- let grhss = GRHSs Ghc.noExtField [Ghc.L locSpan (GRHS Ghc.noExtField [] (Ghc.L locSpan (HsVar Ghc.noExtField (Ghc.L locSpan undef))))] (Ghc.L locSpan emptyLocalBinds) in
-- MG Ghc.noExtField (Ghc.L locSpan [Ghc.L locSpan (Match Ghc.noExtField ctxt [] grhss)]) Ghc.Generated
-- in
-- let b = FunBind ext (Ghc.L locSpan $ tcWiredInName w) matches co_fn [] in
-- (Ghc.NonRecursive, unitBag (Ghc.L locSpan b))
-- ) wiredIns

sigs wiredIns = concatMap (\w ->
let inf = maybeToList $ (\(fPrec, fDir) -> Ghc.L locSpanAnn $ Ghc.FixSig Ghc.noAnn $ Ghc.FixitySig Ghc.NoNamespaceSpecifier [Ghc.L locSpanAnn (tcWiredInName w)] $ Ghc.Fixity Ghc.NoSourceText fPrec fDir) <$> tcWiredInFixity w in
let t =
let ext' = [] in
[Ghc.L locSpanAnn $ TypeSig Ghc.noAnn [Ghc.L locSpanAnn (tcWiredInName w)] $ HsWC ext' $ Ghc.L locSpanAnn $ HsSig Ghc.noExtField (HsOuterImplicit ext') $ tcWiredInType w]
inf <> t
) wiredIns
sig w = typeSig : maybeToList fixSig
fixSig = forM (tcWiredInFixity w) $ \(fPrec, fDir) ->
toLoc $ Ghc.FixSig Ghc.noAnn $ Ghc.FixitySig Ghc.NoNamespaceSpecifier [Ghc.L locSpanAnn (tcWiredInName w)] $ Ghc.Fixity Ghc.NoSourceText fPrec fDir

typeSig = toLoc $ TypeSig Ghc.noAnn [toLoc $ tcWiredInName w] $ HsWC [] $ toLoc $ HsSig Ghc.noExtField (HsOuterImplicit []) $ tcWiredInType w

sigs wiredIns = concatMap sig wiredIns

locSpan = UnhelpfulSpan (UnhelpfulOther "Liquid.GHC.Misc: WiredIn")
locSpanAnn = noAnnSrcSpan locSpan
Expand All @@ -945,10 +927,7 @@ withWiredIn m = discardConstraints $ do
toLoc = Ghc.L locSpanAnn
nameToTy = Ghc.L locSpanAnn . HsTyVar Ghc.noAnn Ghc.NotPromoted

boolTy' :: LHsType GhcRn
boolTy' = nameToTy $ toLoc boolTyConName
-- boolName <- lookupOrig (Module (stringToUnitId "Data.Bool") (mkModuleName "Data.Bool")) (Ghc.mkVarOcc "Bool")
-- return $ Ghc.L locSpan $ HsTyVar Ghc.noExtField Ghc.NotPromoted $ Ghc.L locSpan boolName
intTy' = nameToTy $ toLoc intTyConName
listTy lt = toLoc $ HsAppTy Ghc.noExtField (nameToTy $ toLoc listTyConName) lt

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