A Deno (and Node) library which provides functions and response types (DTOs) to interact with the Riot Games API.
import * as riot from "https://deno.land/x/riot_api/mod.ts";
const resp = await riot.summoner.byName("Rocket the dog", { region: riot.routes.Platform.NA1 });
console.log("Status Code:", resp.status);
console.log("SummonerDTO:", resp.summoner);
deno run --allow-env --allow-net example.ts
Status Code: 200
SummonerDTO: {
id: "R8CGfb6loSV36rDJWxNAsviQcwq5dQAuyTtFvdLOknJC9LQ",
accountId: "wxNY5m5YTudTjeDoSlOoJmwyWsJCu5QjGkO7yudyZSfA6NY",
puuid: "PAJ5iwBc_NPU2uDjmwwvzBkJfdmM0sk4dejZ9YcjGgRTH7WPOaca90hkGOI1UYFAdc8Kp91MvfG2MA",
name: "Rocket the dog",
profileIconId: 759,
revisionDate: 1657168517000,
summonerLevel: 215
Usage in Node is identical to the above Deno example.
Install the package using npm i udon-riot-api
Change the import statement to import * as riot from "udon-riot-api";
Feel free to reach out to me at my personal email (leo.battalora@gmail.com) or open an issue in the .