- You can either register normally or log in using your google account.
- After logging in, you can add new videos, like and comment on videos.
- You can subscribe to channels, so you can follow the videos of your favorite channels.
- Application developed using
styled components
. - You can choose the theme we want using dark & light mode.
was used to store images and videos in the cloud.Redux
used for state management.
You can check out the other repos the app has below.
Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:ufukcankurt/react-youtube-app.git
Ä°nstall all dependencies
yarn || yarn install
Create .env file at the top of the application and add these parameters
Run the development server:
npm run dev # or yarn dev
App home page dark & light mode
If you have an account you can login otherwise you have to register
You can upload video from here.
This page is the video detail page. You can like and comment on the video. You can subscribe to the channel. You can also see similar videos on the right side.
The Explore page lets you discover popular videos based on the highest number of views in the app.
The Subscriptions page is where you can see the videos of your subscribed channels in the app.