A discord mod bot with logging features, mod commands, youtube upload notifications, and some random crappy commands
ARadd m:ARadd <trigger> | <reply> --> to add an auto reply trigger
ARdisplay m:ARdisplay --> to display triggers and their replies
ARremove m:ARremove <trigger> --> to remove a trigger
bully m:bully --> sends an image saying 'no bully'
insult m:insult --> get insulted cuz why not
welcome m:welcome --> sends an image welcoming new users
whyis m:whyis <user mention> --> why is you...?
avatar m:av --> sends the avatar of a user and a link to it
ban m:ban <user mention>/<userID> [reason] --> bans a user
kick m:kick <user mention>/<userID> [reason] --> kicks a user
purge m:purge --> purges the chat
roleinfo m:roleinfo --> gives info on a role
softban m:softban <user mention>/<userID> [reason] --> softbans a user
unban m:unban <userID> [reason] --> unbans a user
whois m:whois --> gives info on a user
mute m:mute <user mention>/<userID> <time> [reason] --> mutes a member
mutes m:mutes [user mention]/[userID] --> gives a list of muted members, gives a description on the mute if passed a muted user's ID
unmute m:unmute <user mention>/<userID> --> unmutes a user
No Category:
help Shows this message
load m:load --> only for me to load the cogs | change the userID in the check in the main file to whatever you want
reload m:reload --> only for me to reload cogs
unload m:unload --> only for me to unload cogs
Just change the CONSTANTS file to whatever you want, change the userID in the if check in the main file to whoever's userID you want
I host the bot on heroku, with heroku-postgres as the databse. Just connect a database to your app on heroku and deploy the code with necessary changes and you're good to go!
Do whatever the fuck you want with the code just give me credits 😳