Pre-releaseUPDATE: v1.1.1 introduced a race detector issue #336, which has now been fixed in v1.1.12. Please upgrade.
This is a production release of go-codec.
Today marks 11 months after the 11th day of the 11th month of last year.
On this very special day, we release v1.1.11 of go-codec.
This day holds a special place in my heart on a very personal level.
I hope you enjoy the immense effort put into refining and cleaning
out the edges go-codec, delivered in v1.1.11
The quality and performance should shine across:
- binary size
- performance/speed
- memory use
- feature rich (more than any other library in the go ecosystem)
See benchmark results run on a very complicated struct full of embedded types, with multiple nested levels.
Each struct value encodes as 47K of tightly packed json or 37K of binary msgpack or cbor.
High level benefits include:
- significantly expanded test suite, bringing code coverage to 92%
- remove limits on struct embedding
- optimize struct field access, json parsing, free list usage, etc
- multiple performance improvements across the board
The main goal has always been to provide the most feature-rich and performant package
for encoding and decoding of multiple popular binary and text formats in a consistent way.
We believe we continue to achieve that!