This project segments text sent to it into both sentences and verbal phrases. For now only German is supported! We primarily aim to provide a simple way of splitting text into verbal phrases as proposed in Vauth et al (2021). In addition, we also provide a way of splitting the text into sentences.
If you are using this in your academic work please cite our paper:
title = {Automated {{Event Annotation}} in {{Literary Texts}}},
booktitle = {{{CHR}} 2021: {{Computational Humanities Research Conference}}},
author = {Vauth, Michael and Hatzel, Hans Ole and Gius, Evelyn and Biemann, Chris},
date = {2021-11-17/2021-11-19},
series = {{{CEUR Workshop Proceedings}}},
volume = {2989},
pages = {333--345},
location = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
url = {},
eventtitle = {{{CHR}} 2021: {{Computational Humanities Research Conference}}}
In the project's top-level directory run: docker build -t verby .
This will build a docker image that can be run with: docker run -p 8000:80 verby
where the -p
option will ensure that you can access the api on port 8000 from your host.
After starting the server either via docker or in a development setup you should be able to post you segmentation requests.
Using the CLI tool httpie:
http POST text="Ich gehe auf einem Wagen, oder wie manche sagen einem Auto, spazieren. Du gehst nachhause."
Or from Python code:
import requests
response ="", json={"text": "Ich gehe auf einem Wagen, oder wie manche sagen einem Auto, spazieren. Du gehst nachhause."})
# Prints: {'verbal_phrases': [[[0, 30], [60, 69]], [[31, 47]], [[71, 90]]], 'sentences': [[0, 70], [71, 90]]}
You will get a response object with the character offsets of sentences and verbal phrases. Note that verbal phrases may be discontinuous, as in the case above with the insertion.
To run a development server just execute fastapi dev
If you would prefer using verby as a library rather than via HTTP, you can use this sample code as a starting point.
import verby
nlp = verby.pipeline.build_pipeline("de")
doc = nlp("Sie lassen alle die krank sind nachhause gehen.")
for phrase in doc._.verbal_phrases:
for span in phrase:
print(span.start_char, span.end_char)