Document design review talks/presentations (scheduling)
Provide audience with some context to who talks are for and what they can expect to gain by attending
Enable audience to add kudos for a talk or leave comments
Enable/encourage presenters to share their talks to RubyDev/Yammer
Help presenter guage interest in a talk
Give presenters a way to suggest a talk without commiting to a specific date (see above)
Help ensure that Design Reviews continue to be useful, productive and fun
But essentially this is just an experiment. Think of it as a hack day that took place on my train ride home. Lets try and figure out what we want it to be.
Be warned. Nobody said this is production quality. It's a ghetto. No tests, no setup script.
Fixes are very welcome.
No-one really knows what this app is or should be so pull requests are welcome.
I didn't really intend to open-source this, so... I'm sorry for my sins.
This codebase lives in a public github repo and is deployed to the public internet. Please don't include any sensitive company information in the codebase.
Integrate with Yammer (authentication, pull profile image, post to Yammer engineering group) - I have an app and some keys for this, please ping me.
A better way to get an overview of the upcoming talks (view more talks with less detail)
*cough cough* tests *cough cough*
Get app off of heroku
Consistent height of profile pics
Come find me
Email David/Uh Huh Yeah (davidamcclain on skype)
Open a github issue