This repository contains code to interface with the Psyonic Ability Hand through ROS and the Teensy 4.0
The hardware of the system consist of a 24 volt power source. Using a DCDC converter, we supply 7.4 volts to the Psyonic Ability Hand. The Teensy 4.0 is connected and powered by the operating pc by usb, and communicates with the Psyonic Ability Hand through UART.
The Teensy runs at a loop rate of 500 hz.
For the software, we are using ROS Noetic and rosserial to communicate the messages from the Teensy board over ROS.
In this video we show the Psyonic Hand moving through ROS. The fingers are moving in a sinusoidal trajectory with a loop rate of 100 hz, and a range of 0 to 114 degrees.