This is a curated list of things on the web. It could be art, science, technology, philosophy and anything or everything that makes the time spent on the web worthwhile. We will organize as the list grows.
To quote Richard Feynman, “Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.”
Zen Pencils – Awesome Cartoon Quotes from Inspirational Folks
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language
Incidental Comics - inspires you
List - A list of webcomics
what-if xkcd - Serious scientific answers to absurd hypothetical questions
WaitButWhy - read on things like The Elon Musk, Mars Colonization, Procrastination, AI revolution
OnBeing - An audio podcast of thinkers interviewed by Krista Tippett
Aeon - profound and provocative articles to read ranging from philosophy, science to culture
The birth of an idea
Nautilus - about science and its endless connections with our lives
Histography - “Histography" is interactive timeline that spans across 14 billion years of history, from the Big Bang to 2015. Events are drawn from Wikipedia.
BrainPickings - Maria Popova in her own words:
Reddit ELI5 - Read folks explaining complex concepts in simple analogies like explaining to a 5 year old (though not literally :P) but friendly, simplified and layman-accessible explanations.
Vsauce by Michael Stevens
The School of Life
HeadSqueeze with James May
Kurzgesagt - In a nut shell
CrashCourses on World History, US History, Literature, Biology, Ecology, Chemistry, and Psychology by Green Brothers & co.
PBS Idea Channel - guide to common fallacies, pizza, emojis, fandoms, games, technology and other ideas
PBS Space Time Channel - all things about space time
The Physics Girls
Smarter Every Day - High Definition/ High Speed videography of a lot of things
Nova's Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers - Ever thought that a neuroscientist could be an expert in Bullwhip? Miss Massachusetts was a biochemist? Watch people explaining science in 30 seconds.
DIY Scientific Experiments - Ravindra Godbole
The Royal Institution - Think more deeply about science
Going Deep with David Rees – deep look in mundane chores and the things we often take for granted.
Ofcourse the Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Ig Noble Prize | [Improbable Research] ( | [Channel] ( - Ideas that first make you laugh and then think!