Guava postfix plugin for IntelliJ
Available templates:
Postfix Expression | Description | Example |
.checkArgument | Checks that the boolean is true | checkArgument(expr) |
.checkNotNull | Checks that the value is not null | checkNotNull(expr) |
.checkState | Checks some state of the object, not dependent on the method arguments | checkState(expr) |
.checkElementIndex | Checks that index is a valid element index into a list, string, or array with the specified size | checkElementIndex(index, size) |
.checkPositionIndex | Checks that index is a valid position index into a list, string, or array with the specified size | checkPositionIndex(index, size) |
.checkPositionIndexes | Checks that [start, end) is a valid sub range of a list, string, or array with the specified size | checkPositionIndexes(start, end, size) |
Postfix Expression | Description | Example |
.join | Joins pieces of text (specified as an array, Iterable, varargs or even a Map) with a separator | Joiner.on(',').join(iterable) |
.split | Extracts non-overlapping substrings from an input string, typically by recognizing appearances of a separator sequence | Splitter.on(',').split(charsequence) |
Postfix Expression | Description | Example |
.immutableListCopyOf | Creates an immutable list containing the given elements, in order | ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterable) |
.immutableListOf | Creates an immutable list containing a single element | ImmutableList.of(Iterable) |
.immutableSetCopyOf | Creates an immutable set containing the given elements, in order | ImmutableSet.copyOf(Iterable) |
.immutableSetOf | Creates an immutable set containing a single element | ImmutableSet.of(Object) |
Postfix Expression | Description | Example |
.fluentIterable | Creates a fluent iterable that wraps iterable, or iterable itself if it is already a FluentIterable | FluentIterable.from(Iterable) |