a library for managing websocket communication for aws lambdas + api gateway in a pubsub way
- subscribe a consumer to a topic
- unsubscribe a consumer from a topic
- publish data to all consumers of a topic
to use this package, you'll need to both install the module and provision a dynamodb table
npm install --save lambda-websocket-pubsub
please provision a dynamodb table which has the following settings:
billingMode: 'PAY_PER_REQUEST',
attributes: [
name: 'p', // p = partition key: the lookup index
type: 'S', // string
name: 'u', // u = "secondary key": defines the unique key of this entity, in conjunction w/ the partition key
type: 'S', // string
name: 'p2', // p2 = secondary index partition key: a different lookup index
type: 'S', // string
hashKey: 'p', // partition key
rangeKey: 'u', // "secondary key"; defines "uniqueness" (p + u = unique entity)
globalSecondaryIndexes: [
name: 'SecondaryIndex',
hashKey: 'p2', // define a second index, for alternate table lookups
projectionType: 'ALL',
Note: the above syntax is targeted towards pulumi and the naming convention reflects that of both pulumi and terraform. If you are provisioning the database manually, AWS calls the hashKey
the partitionKey
and the rangeKey
the sortKey
Note: to see the actual pulumi configuration that provisioned the integration test database, please see the provision/pulumi
this module is designed to plug directly into your business logic - and potentially even your lambda handlers for some cases.
the example below sets up a handler that:
- subscribes a websocket connection (i.e., consumer) to messages from a topic when they send a message through the websocket with the data
{ action: 'SUBSCRIBE', topicId: 'some-uuid-or-other-identifier' }
- unsubscribes a websocket connection (i.e., consumer) from all of its subscriptions, on disconnect
the result is that any time a message is published to the topic the consumer subscribed to, the consumer will get pushed that message pushed to them through the websocket connection.
import { APIGatewayEvent, Context } from 'aws-lambda';
import { extractConsumerFromApiGatewayEvent, subscribeToTopic, unsubscribeFromAllTopics } from 'lambda-websocket-pubsub';
export enum WebSocketEventType {
const lwpConfig = {
dynamodbTableName: 'super-important-subscriptions',
const response = {
badRequest: { statusCode: 400 },
success: { statusCode: 200 },
const websocketHandler = async (event: APIGatewayEvent, context: Context) => {
// extract relevant data from the event
const consumer = extractConsumerFromApiGatewayEvent({ event });
const eventType = event.requestContext.eventType as WebSocketEventType;
// handle each event type
if (eventType === WebSocketEventType.CONNECT) {
// do nothing
} else if (eventType === WebSocketEventType.DISCONNECT) {
await unsubscribeFromAllTopics({ consumer, config: lwpConfig });
} else {
// 1. parse and validate the request
const payload = (() => {
// define payload in an immediately invoked function to use a try catch while still ensuring that its a `const`
try {
if (!event.body) throw new Error('no body');
return JSON.parse(event.body);
} catch (error) {
logger.warn(context, 'error extracting payload from message', { body: event.body, error });
return null;
it (!payload) return response.badRequest; // if no payload, bad request
if (payload.action !== 'SUBSCRIBE') return response.badRequest; // if not a supported action, bad request
if (!payload.topicId) return response.badRequest; // if the topicId is not defined, bad request;
// NOTE: you may want to add additional validation for your use case here
// 2. given the consumer and the topic id are well defined, lets subscribe them
await subscribeToTopic({ consumer, topicId, config: lwpConfig });
// return successful response if reached here
return response.success;
Now that we have subscriptions to topics being handled with the example above, the last piece is to send data to consumers.
Good news, its super simple. Just run the publishToTopic
method anywhere in your code and it will publish any data
to all consumers subscribed to that same topicId
import { publishToTopic } from 'lambda-websocket-pubsub';
const lwpConfig = {
dynamodbTableName: 'super-important-subscriptions',
await publishToTopic({ topicId, data, config: lwpConfig });