Code for the numerical experiments in "Axial and torsional self-excited vibrations of a distributed drill-string" JSV 2019
This repository contains MATLAB code for the analysis and simulation of axial-torsional vibrations in drill-string systems. The code models the stability and dynamic behavior of drill-strings under various conditions, focusing on the bit-rock interaction and boundary conditions.
Each folder contains the code to run the corresponding experiments that are shown in the paper.
- Axial: Model with only the axial dynamics in the drill string, assuming constand torsional velocity
- Axial - nondim: Only axial dynamics in the non-dimensional formulation
- Coupled: Model with both axial and torsional dynamics
- Coupled - nondim: Axial-torsional model in the non-dim formulation
: Each experiment is run by executing a MAIN_[experimentName] fileparameters.m
: Simulation and parameters are specified here..stabilityMap.m
: Generates stability maps.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Run simulations by executing MAIN_[experimentName].m
in MATLAB within the desired directory.