Vagrantfile and Chef recipes for setting up ROS and GRULL Verdino ROS packages in a Vagrant virtual machine.
Vagrant is a tool to create and configure reproducible and portable development
environments using virtual machines. These are specified through Vagrantfiles,
in a similar manner as make
uses Makefiles.
The created virtual machines must be provisioned with all the software that we need. So here is where we use Chef, a configuration management tool written in Ruby.
Chef is a tool used to streamline the task of configuring and maintaining company's servers, so the same recipes can be used to automatically provision and configure real machines, no only virtual machines used in development.
Mainly, you need Vagrant and some additional plugins:
- Virtualbox (our Vagrantfile has only been tested with this VM provider)
- Vagrant >= 1.5
- Vagrant-librarian-chef
- Vagrant-omnibus (optional, if we are to use a Vagrant box with Chef pre-installed. That is not the case with the default box in our Vagrantfile)
Vagrant-librarin-chef and vagrant-omnibus plugins could be easily installed from Vagrant running:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef
from command line.
By default, the next lines in the Vagrantfile will install and configure Ubuntu Desktop and ROS:
chef.add_recipe "apt"
chef.add_recipe "ubuntu-desktop"
chef.add_recipe "vim-default-editor"
# install ROS packages
chef.add_recipe "ros"
If you want a ROS development environment with Kdevelop and a workspace
initilized at /vagrant/ROS/isaatc-ULL
, we have to uncomment the next line
to add the role devel
chef.add_role "devel"
Finally, if you want a full GRULL Verdino ROS development environment, with all
Verdino ROS packages downloaded to the workspace, you have to add the recipe grull-verdino
chef.add_recipe "grull-verdino"
The rosinstall
file used will be:
, if only the recipegrull-verdino
was added.devel.rosinstall
, if both the recipegrull-verdino
and the roledevel
were added.
but you can override that behavior adding:
"grull-verdino" => {
"rosinstall_path" => ".rosinstall"
to chef.json
in the Vagrantfile.
The recipe grull-verdino
use SSH to download GRULL Verdino packages from
Github. Because provisioning is a non-interactive task, you must have configured
the access to Github using SSH key passphrases.
The SSH agent forwarding is enabled in the Vagrantfile
config.ssh.forward_agent = true
so you only have to add your key to the SSH agent
$ ssh-add
before build a new virtual machine.
To create the Vagrant virtual machine, just run:
$ vagrant up
from the directory of this repository.
Copyright (c) 2014, Jesús Torres <>. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.