Project to create a responsive webpage for the Club Forum e.V.. The website contains simple content and user management features as well as a dedicated booking service based on Angluar JS, Node JS and Mongo DB.
####Prereqs to run the web app:
- Node JS ~v0.10.*
- Grunt ~v0.4.*
- mongoDB ~v2.*
####Setup for development:
First step is to install Node JS and mongoDB. See the following links for details:
- [Building and installing Node.js] (
- [Install MongoDB] (
After this stel is done switch on the command line to the root of the project and use the following command to install all dependencies:
npm install
- Setup grunt
- Create certificates for SSL
- Insert certificate for google calendar
- Configure node-gyp
- Update the config file
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may use the predefined task for development:
grunt dev
Afterwards if you want to develop use: grunt dev
####Setup for build:
Or if you want to build the project use: grunt build
© Sven Sterbling