Foobar2000 music status for Discord Rich Presence!
I'm currently no longer actively developing this, but will still merge PRs and reference releases at the release page.
You mabe also want to check out this wonderful alternative that was updated much more recently.
- Grab release, drop included foo_drpc directory in %userdir%\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\user-components\ (if you have not moved your AppData somewhere else) or place included .dll Files in \foobar2000\components.
Add foobar2000 to discords detected games (Settings -> Games -> Add it).
- Compiled with VS 2017.
- Grab foobar2000 SDK and create \foo_drpc\ directory in \foobar2000.
- Drop contents from repository in the prevoiusly created \foo_drpc.
- Grab release from and place \lib\ with contained discord-rpc.lib in \foo_drpc.
- Do the same with \include\discord-rpc.h but this time directly into \foo_drpc.
- Get/Create a Discord Application ID which resembles your App at Discords end and fill in APPLICATION_ID in \foo_drpc\secret.h.
- Upload 1 large asset for your App with the key "logo", 3 small ones with keys "play", "stop" and "pause". Use the files in optional_images if you like.