Dynamic Community Analysis from Brain Imaging Data
This software is provided 'as-is'.
This repo contains a collection of scripts to analyze brain imaging data, in particular for fluorescence data. Keep in mind that not all the scripts are optimized and none is tested, but they all achived their purpose (untill now ;)) and most of them are commented , feel free to point out any bug and contribute.
This is not an executable, but it shows each of the command needed to execute the pipeline manually. It can be useful to check it out to understand the general flow.
Usage: /home/shared_brain/BrainCode/helpers/pachyPipelineAutomation/pipeline.sh # <pipeline starting point> <dataPath> <imagePath> <threshold> <window> <commdyCost>
- dataPath : the folder with the input images
- imagePath : the path where to store the images of correlation
- correlation threshold : the correlation threshold
- correlation window : the window used to compute correlations
- commdyCosts : the costs used to run commdy
Usage example: /home/shared_brain/BrainCode/helpers/pachyPipelineAutomation/pipeline.sh corr /home/shared_brain/Data/RS_PCB_Oil/PCB196RS/PCB_196_RS_Activation_2/ /home/shared_brain/Output/Images/RS_PCB_Oil/PCB_196_RS/Activation2/w50_cor.70/
The manual pipeline can be automated with the following script. It is a script that combines the steps And can be started at any of the previous steps. Each of the above steps is encapsulated into a single script (modular) and then those scripts are concatenated to execute the whole pipeline. The pipeline can be started at any point and it keeps going till the end, so if it is started at Louvain than it also executes commdy and the statistics.
Keep in mind that in the folder BrainCode/helpers/pachyPipelineAutomation there is both the pipeline.sh script and the modular script which are used by the pipeline but can also be used alone. Those script are very easy to use and commented and can be used as subroutines for other scripts such as running commdy for several costs parameters (by the way there is a script for that).
-correlationScript used to run the correlation algorithm.
-louvainScript used to run the correlation algorithm.
-commdyScript runs commdy.
-statisticsScripts runs the statistics.
This script runs Louvain multiple times for the same pair files. It has been used to test the robusteness of Louvain on multiple runs.
1- run make once
cp /home/shared_brain/BrainCode/Louvain/Makefile .
2- run multiple times
cp /home/shared_brain/BrainCode/Louvain/multipleMakes.sh .
time source multipleMakes .sh
-Alternative : one liner
cp /home/shared_brain/BrainCode/Louvain/Makefile . && make && cp
/home/shared_brain/BrainCode/Louvain/multipleMakes.sh . && time
source multipleMakes .sh
Usually after multiple Louvain are run then also multiple commdy are run, a commdy for each run to test the robusteness of commdy on louvain runs.
#louvain-images louvainClustersImages.py
The input is the folder with the louvain_comm files
python /home/shared_brain/BrainCode/Louvain/louvainClustersImages.py
#commdy-images commdyToImage.py
#infomap -Single , just run on a single file
/home/shared_brain/BrainCode/infoMap/Infomap/Infomap --tree --map --clu
--input-format link-list <fileName > < outputFolderThatMustExists >
-Multiple , run for each pair file in the folder
mkdir resultInfomap
for i in *. pair ; do
/home/shared_brain/BrainCode/infoMap/Infomap/Infomap --tree --map
--clu --input-format link-list $i resultInfomap ; done
#infomap-image infomapAndImagePipe.py
#multiple-commdy-costs multipleCostsCommdy.py
Run commdy for several costs on the pair files. Notice in the multipleCostCommdy.py you can decide which costs to use. Also notice how this scripts uses the pipeline.sh script as subroutine.
Go in the folder with the pair files , usually the core folder
cd /home/shared_brain/Output/Young_vs_Old/Young_11-09-13_brain_39/Activation3/w50_cor.70/core
time python /home/shared_brain/BrainCode/helpers/multipleCostsCommdy.py