Thanks for your interest in Read-it-to-Me - this project is archived It was a little overwhelming to keep this tool up to date as a side project, so we've folded it into our internal framework. You can experience it by visiting one of our publications, like this one for example: Impact: Feature Issue on Self-Advocacy for People with Intellectual, Developmental, and Other Disabilities
A text read-aloud tool utilizing the SpeechSynthesis interface of the Web Speech API incorporated into modern browsers.
Not meant as a replacement for screen-reader assistive technology (JAWS, NVDA, etc), but rather as a fairly simple read-aloud tool, easily added to most web pages, to increase access to information.
Inspired by the principle of Universal Design and a few young people I know facing some Dyslexia reading challenges.
Brought to you by developers from the Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/read-it-to-me.min.css">
<script src="js/read-it-to-me.min.js"></script>
Add class read-it-to-me-content-group
to the html elements you want the script to run on.
Pass in a comma separated string of selectors for the elements you want the script to run on.
ReadItToMe.init('selector1, selector2, selectorN');
If you need to (or find it useful) you can add the class to some elements and pass in selectors for the rest in order to cover all the elements you have in mind
See this in action at the bottom of the main example file.
If you've got a web analytics system which supports events and you'd like to record Read-it-to-Me events you can tie into event hooks we've provided for: play, pause, cancel, toggle.
For example if you're using Google Analytics:
play: function(){
var utteranceId = ReadItToMe.currentUtteranceIdentifier();
var thisUtterance = utteranceId ? utteranceId : '';
gtag('event', `Play Utterance [${thisUtterance}]`, {
'event_label': 'User Interaction',
'event_category': 'Read-it-to-Me'
pause: function(){
var utteranceId = ReadItToMe.currentUtteranceIdentifier();
var thisUtterance = utteranceId ? utteranceId : '';
gtag('event', `Pause Utterance [${thisUtterance}]`, {
'event_label': 'User Interaction',
'event_category': 'Read-it-to-Me'
cancel: function(){
var utteranceId = ReadItToMe.currentUtteranceIdentifier();
var thisUtterance = utteranceId ? utteranceId : '';
gtag('event', `Cancel Utterance [${thisUtterance}]`, {
'event_label': 'User Interaction',
'event_category': 'Read-it-to-Me'
toggle: function(){
var toggleAction = ReadItToMe.isEnabled() ? "[ On ]" : "[ Off ]";
gtag('event', `Toggled ${toggleAction}`, {
'event_label': 'User Interaction',
'event_category': 'Read-it-to-Me'
There is an optional attribute you can add in your HTML to better describe each read-it-to-me-content-group
: data-ritm-optional-tracking-identifier
. For instance in the Read-it-to-Me example files we use it a few times including like so:
<article data-ritm-optional-tracking-identifier="Semantics demo - Blade Runner Tears in Rain.">
You can then access this descriptor in your event tracking functions via ReadItToMe.currentUtteranceIdentifier()
. See this optional descriptor in use in the event tracking example above via lines like this:
var utteranceId = ReadItToMe.currentUtteranceIdentifier();