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A guide to Diderot Compiler is available online on github.

Executable Binaries

Binaries are available for MacOS and Ubuntu (Linux) under the directory bin. You can also generate these binaries by following the instructions below.

Building DC

Building Binaries for the gude

For MacOS

$ make guide_macos


$ cd docker
$ make guide_ubuntu

Compiling DC Binaries.

If you are running MacOS or Linux, you can use the provided binaries under the directory bin. But you can also build them yourself after you install OCaml see below.

Running make should make a number of executables

  1. dc.native translates latex and markdown to xml
  2. tex2tex.native translates latex to latex (used for debugging)
  3. md2md.native translates markdown to markdown (used for debugging).

The executables tex2tex.native and md2md.native are used for debugging purposes. They parse LaTeX and Markdown (respectively), create an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), and then write/return the AST back as code. The output written/returned back should be the same as the source, modulo comments and some whitespace. This idempotence helps debug the compiler.


Basic installation instruction follow. Compiling DC requires a relatively Basic OCAML installation and the utility make.

Installing OCaml compiler

  1. Install OPAM
  • easiest way: sh <(curl -sL
  1. Install bubblewrap
  1. Remaining steps copied from the OPAM section on the OCaml website:
  • opam init
  • eval `opam env`
  • opam switch create 4.07.1
  • eval `opam env`
  • make sure it worked: which ocaml and ocaml -version

Installing packages for DC

Assuming you got OPAM as described above:

  • opam install core.v0.11.3 getopt menhir re2 ocamlbuild ocamlnet and add -package ppx_fields_conv to the Makefile

Ocaml interpreter

Place the following in your root directory file .ocamlinit

#use "topfind";;
#require "";;
#require "core.syntax";;