Will send you an SMS after a successful login (and logout).
Not before, to prevent spamming you on each botnet attempt.
(Also, see below)
True, but the reasonable alternative is to require a reply SMS to allow login.
Which, being over 3/4G, is less secure than requiring SSH key, or 2FA (e.g. google-authenticator).
These are (some of) the tools you should be using to prevent getting owned
Shameless plug: we have other PAM modules to help you not get hacked in the first place.
This tool is meant to help you detect in reasonable time the (probably silent) failures should you get compromised.
Or adapt it to your provider.
Edit the PAM config file of your service, for example:
Add the following:
session optional pam_exec.so /path/to/send_sms.py twilio-account-sid twilio-auth-token +from-phone-number +to-phone-number
Reply to the SMS to kill the session if it is an intruder.