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⛩️ Tree-sitter grammar for the Tera templating language


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Tree-sitter grammar and syntax highlight queries for the Tera templating language.


This repository provides support for Helix and Neovim. For Visual Studio Code support, see uncenter/vscode-tera. For Zed support, see uncenter/zed-tera.

Screenshot of highlighted sample Tera code in Helix with the tree-sitter-tera grammar installed

Helix with tree-sitter-tera. Screenshot taken with the catppuccin/helix theme.

Screenshot of highlighted sample Tera code in Neovim with the tree-sitter-tera grammar installed

Neovim with tree-sitter-tera. Screenshot taken with the catppuccin/nvim theme.



  1. Add the following language and grammar configuration to your own languages.toml configuration file:
name = "tera"

git = ""
rev = "main"

file-types = ["tera"]
grammar = "tera"
injection-regex = "tera"
name = "tera"
scope = "source.tera"
block-comment-tokens = [
  { start = "{#", end = "#}" },
  { start = "{#-", end = "-#}" },
  { start = "{#", end = "-#}" },
  { start = "{#-", end = "#}" },

"\"" = "\""
"'" = "'"
"`" = "`"
"(" = ")"
"[" = "]"
"{" = "}"
"%" = "%"
  1. Run hx --grammar fetch to fetch the grammar from this repository, and then hx --grammar build to build the grammars.
  2. Run just helix sync or just helix link to copy or symlink the Helix-specific queries to Helix's runtime directory, as unfortunately queries are not used from the grammar repository by default.


Helix uses the reverse query precedence ordering, meaning that the first matching highlight query is used rather than last; this is the opposite behavior of Neovim and Zed, both of which use the last matching highlight query - think of it like CSS, where queries gain precedence by being located further down. Helix does seemingly plan to change this soon, but for now this repository has a separate folder for Helix-converted queries (built with just helix build, using tree-sitter-query-reverser.



Extend your nvim-treesitter plugin with this Tera plugin.

    config = function()
        -- setup treesitter with config
    dependencies = {
        { "uncenter/tree-sitter-tera", build = ":TSUpdate tera" },
    build = ":TSUpdate",


local parser_config = require("nvim-treesitter.parsers").get_parser_configs()

parser_config.tera = {
  install_info = {
    url = "",
    files = { "src/parser.c" },
    branch = "main",
  filetype = "tera",

Run :TSInstall tera in Neovim to install the above parser.
