Releases: unchaptered/devops-tool-storage
Releases · unchaptered/devops-tool-storage
Basic code to demonstrate in "Production-level Guide to Terraform"
Create backup release for the following reason
- To clean up unused folders
What's Changed
- Create Basic TF Resources (AWS) by @github-actions in #1
- Auto PR Generation by @github-actions in #2
- Apply Auto-PR GEN and design basic folder tree by @github-actions in #3
- Create Basic TF Resources (AWS) by @github-actions in #4
- Create Basic TF Resources, Modules and TestCode with terratest by @github-actions in #5
- Change go.(mod|suM) file directories from ~/terraform/test/* to ~/* by @github-actions in #6
- [Terraform][Test] AWS ACM Components by @github-actions in #7
- Bug in terratest, simplify terratest code by @github-actions in #8
- [Terraform][Test] AWS AMI, CloudFront, Route53, IAM Policy Document, SecretManager Components by @github-actions in #10
- [Terraform][Test] AWS ArchiveFile, LocalFile, TlsPrivateKey Components by @github-actions in #11
- [Terraform][Test] AWSCC Chatbot,IAM Role and AWS CF, EventbRridge, Ec2, Iam, Lambda, Rds, S3, Sm, Sqs Components by @github-actions in #12
- [Terraform][Test] AWS VPC Components by @github-actions in #13
- [Terraform][Rename] Wrong name of aws s3 core configuration by @github-actions in #14
- [Terraform][Module/Test] AWS AssetStorage, SecureStorage Module by @github-actions in #15
- [Terraform][Test] AWS BasicStorage, WebsiteStorage, SecureStorage by @github-actions in #16
- [Terrafrom][Test] AWS AssetStorage by @github-actions in #17
- [Terrafrom][Module/Test] AWS VPC 3 Tier Network by @github-actions in #18
- [Terraform][Module/Test] EventBridge Scheduler by @github-actions in #19
- [Terraform][Module/Test] AWS S3 Notification with Lambda by @github-actions in #20
New Contributors
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #1
Full Changelog: