A framework for building admin applications themed trough ThemeSpec.
Alpha - This is the alpha version of ElmAdmin. This means this package will be updated faster but breakage is expected. A stable version is yet to be released as uncover-co/elm-admin
ElmAdmin follows a somewhat similar strategy to ElmBook. A minimalistic API focusing on pragmatism and user customizations.
You can start by creating pages for your admin:
module Users exposing (update)
import ElmAdmin as A
import UI exposing (viewUsers)
index : A.Page Msg Model
index =
A.page "/users" "Users"
(\routeParams model ->
viewUsers model
Then you put them all together:
module Main exposing (main)
import ElmAdmin as A
import ThemeSpec
import Users
main : ElmAdmin () Msg Model
main =
{ title = "My Admin"
, init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, options = [ preferDarkMode ]
, pages =
[ A.visualGroup "Guides"
[ A.external "Documentation" "https://package.elm-lang.org/"
, A.external "Design System" "https://elm-book-in-elm-book.netlify.app/"
, A.folderGroup "Users"
[ A.single "Create" Users.create
, A.single "Archive" Users.archive
, A.url Users.show
, A.group "Workspaces"
[ A.single "Create" Workspaces.create
, A.single "Create Project" Workspaces.createProject
ElmAdmin works as you'd expect an Elm application to work. You can provide your own Msg/Model/etc functions and they will all work. We mostly handle routing, themes and a few other niceties that make building admins easier.