An ASCII renderer for the dom
Run the following commands from the root.
yarn build
yarn start
Simple express server, serves static files from the public folder.
All code in this folder will be compiled into the public folder.
Compiled source files (including html, css, etc)
Audio loader, allows you to add sound fx or music.
Assorted configuration, directions, colors, characters.
Allows you to register actions for controlling the game. You can then poll or use event listeners.
A bit of a hack, maps slugs onto js files
Texture loader, allows you to load in ascii textures.
Old code, can be used as a reference, no longer used.
Folder containing json files for ANSI / ASCII art. Format:
"frames": [
"data": [
"character": "x",
"color": "3",
"backgroundColor": "4",
"w": 16,
"h": 8
Folder containing different components for the ANSI engine. Looking back each file doesn't need its own folder. You could just swap them out to ascii-canvas.mjs, etc. They only need their own folder if there are multiple files being grouped together.
Dom rendering engine for ansi / ascii art. Functions modelled off html5 canvas. Currently has 3 rendering methods, just use drawImage3, the others are around for legacy reasons.
Note the renderer is currently inefficient as it is re-rendering every character every frame. I highly recommend creating a diffing function to detect which elements have changed and only re-render those.
Simple camera implementation that takes an x, y, w and h. Also provides a centerOnPosition helper function.
Provides a function to detect if two rectangles are overlapping.
Maps entity type strings onto game objects. Allows us to read map json files and convert them into js objects.
Handles entities for a scene, allows you to add, update, render, debug render and get entities of type. Handles the deletion of entities using the .dead
Simple wrapper around entity manager, also provides a width and height. In the future additional pieces of information would be added to this associated with the level.
Handles the loading and unloding of scenes. Provides event emitters for when the scene changes.
Contains files for all the entities in the game. Fairly straight forward design - prototypes per entity type, mutable data, methods associated with the entity e.g. update, render, handling event listeners, etc.
Folder containing all of the narrative experience pages.
Narrative experience entry point, implements the following features:
- Controller management
- Scene loading / unloading
- Rendering the scene
- Camera handling
- Game loop
ANSI painting tool, allows you to draw & animate ANSI / ASCII art and save them to .json files.
Contains .json files for map data. Format:
"w": 160,
"h": 40,
"entities": [
"type": "tile",
"data": {
"x": 0,
"y": 25