A minimalist package to tidy USA asylum data for UNHCR reporting purposes.
The functions in the package read the raw data as shared by the government (excel, pdf, or web dashboards) and turn them into tidy tibbles ready for analysis.
For example, here's the resettlement data:
> read_wraps()
# A tibble: 16,752 x 6
dataset year month coo flow n
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 WRAPS 2020 10 BDI admissions 0
2 WRAPS 2020 11 BDI admissions 0
3 WRAPS 2020 12 BDI admissions 0
4 WRAPS 2021 1 BDI admissions 0
5 WRAPS 2021 2 BDI admissions 0
6 WRAPS 2021 3 BDI admissions 0
7 WRAPS 2021 4 BDI admissions 1
8 WRAPS 2021 5 BDI admissions 9
9 WRAPS 2021 6 BDI admissions 30
10 WRAPS 2021 7 BDI admissions 29
# ... with 16,742 more rows
And here's how to reproduce the RSD 2 table from the 2020 ASR:
uscis <- read_uscis()
eoir <- read_eoir()
stock <- bind_rows(USCIS = uscis$stock, EOIR = eoir$stock, .id = "src")
flows <- bind_rows(USCIS = uscis$flows, EOIR = eoir$flows, .id = "src")
rsd <- pd_asr("rsd", year = 2019) |> filter(asylum == "USA")
rsd |>
filter(meta_decisionType == "EO") |>
count(origin, wt = totalEndYear, name = "yrstart") |>
full_join(stock |>
filter(src == "EOIR", dataset == "DEF", stock == "end") |>
count(origin = coo, wt = n, name = "yrend")) |>
full_join(flows |>
filter(src == "EOIR", dataset == "DEF") |>
count(origin = coo, flow, wt = n) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = flow, values_from = n)) |>
mutate(yrend = if_else(is.na(yrend), yrstart, yrend)) |>
select(origin, yrstart, applications, recognitions, rejections, closures, yrend)
# A tibble: 196 x 7
origin yrstart applications recognitions rejections closures yrend
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 AFG 74 15 11 7 0 66
3 ALB 503 43 18 21 0 492
4 ALG 40 7 0 0 0 40
5 ANG 104 273 5 27 0 327
6 ANT 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 ARE 217 45 11 13 7 232
8 ARG 93 16 0 9 0 100
9 ARM 1510 221 49 29 21 1604
10 AUL 8 0 0 0 0 7
# ... with 186 more rows
TO-DO list:
- Data sources
- import
- tidy
- import
- tidy
- scrape
- tidy
- WRAPSnet
- scrape
- tidy
- Country mapping
- ASR/MYSR generation
- Shiny app?