Livekit GUI improvement #1702
GitHub Actions / Test Results
Oct 17, 2024 in 0s
❌️ Test Results - 430/434, skipped: 2, failed: 2 - Failed in 309.678s
❌️ editmode-results.xml - 430/434, skipped: 2, failed: 2 - Failed in 309.678s
❌️ editmode-results.xml - 430/434, skipped: 2, failed: 2 - Failed in 309.678s
- ✅ SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType.TestEquality - 41/41 - Passed in 0.085s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.049s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateTypeGroup) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateTypeGroup) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.012s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestEquality(SEE.Controls.Actions.ActionStateType) - Passed in 0.000s
- ❌️ SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType - 2/4, failed: 2 - Failed in 0.146s
- ❌️ ActionStateTypesAllRootTypesJustContainsAllRoots - Failed in 0.128s
System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType+<>c.<GetAllRootTypes>b__3_0 (SEE.Controls.Actions.AbstractActionStateType a) [0x00000] in Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs:41
at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].ToList () [0x0001b] in <b9b43ba66e844a948daf380ae03e1428>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0001f] in <b9b43ba66e844a948daf380ae03e1428>:0
at SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType.GetAllRootTypes () [0x00001] in Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs:41
at SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType.ActionStateTypesAllRootTypesJustContainsAllRoots () [0x00001] in Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs:91
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo,object,object[],System.Exception&)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x0006a] in <5aefc10cb7a348a6a66a4e2036c11d65>:0 - ❌️ AllActionsPresent - Failed in 0.005s
System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType.DumpDiff (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] expected, System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[T] actual) [0x00021] in Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs:65
at SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType.AllActionsPresent () [0x00001] in Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs:52
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo,object,object[],System.Exception&)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x0006a] in <5aefc10cb7a348a6a66a4e2036c11d65>:0 - ✅ TestNameUnique - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ TestNoAttributeNull - Passed in 0.007s
- ❌️ ActionStateTypesAllRootTypesJustContainsAllRoots - Failed in 0.128s
- ✅ SEE.Controls.KeyActions.TestKeyMap - 6/6 - Passed in 0.755s
- ✅ TestBind - Passed in 0.028s
- ✅ TestEmpty - Passed in 0.508s
- ✅ TestInconsistency - Passed in 0.032s
- ✅ TestInconsistencyInFile - Passed in 0.131s
- ✅ TestOverlap - Passed in 0.048s
- ✅ TestSingleEntry - Passed in 0.007s
⚠️ SEE.DataModel.DG.IO.TestGraphIO.TestGraphWriter - 1/2, skipped: 1 - Passed in 0.890s⚠️ TestGraphWriter(True) - Skipped- ✅ TestGraphWriter(False) - Passed in 0.742s
⚠️ SEE.DataModel.DG.IO.TestGraphIO.TestRandomGraphWriterAsync - 1/2, skipped: 1 - Passed in 21.009s⚠️ TestRandomGraphWriterAsync(True) - Skipped- ✅ TestRandomGraphWriterAsync(False) - Passed in 20.985s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.IO.TestGraphIO - 4/4 - Passed in 42.269s
- ✅ TestReadingArchitecture - Passed in 0.711s
- ✅ TestReadingCodeFacts - Passed in 12.239s
- ✅ TestReadingMapping - Passed in 0.085s
- ✅ TestReadingRealBigGraph - Passed in 29.234s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.IO.TestMetricImporter - 1/1 - Passed in 4.693s
- ✅ TestLoadCsvAsyncMethod - Passed in 4.693s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.SourceRange.TestSortedRanges - 9/9 - Passed in 0.064s
- ✅ TestFource - Passed in 0.033s
- ✅ TestNone - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestOnce - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestOverlapFource - Passed in 0.013s
- ✅ TestOverlapThrice - Passed in 0.012s
- ✅ TestOverlapTwice1 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestOverlapTwice2 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestThrice - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestTwice - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.SourceRange.TestSourceRangeIndex - 6/6 - Passed in 0.179s
- ✅ SameRangeTwice - Passed in 0.072s
- ✅ TestConsistent1 - Passed in 0.011s
- ✅ TestConsistent2 - Passed in 0.020s
- ✅ TestNonHomomorphicGraph - Passed in 0.017s
- ✅ TestOverlapping - Passed in 0.040s
- ✅ TestSubsumption - Passed in 0.017s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.TestGraph - 14/14 - Passed in 0.273s
- ✅ AddingRemovingGraphElements - Passed in 0.041s
- ✅ RemoveNode - Passed in 0.006s
- ✅ RemoveOrphansBecomeChildren - Passed in 0.019s
- ✅ RemoveOrphansBecomeRoots - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestDeleteTree - Passed in 0.017s
- ✅ TestDeleteTreeSingleNode - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestDeleteTreeSingleNodeAndEdge - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestReparent - Passed in 0.017s
- ✅ TestSubGraphByNodeType - Passed in 0.057s
- ✅ TestSubGraphByNodeTypeLiftedEdges - Passed in 0.030s
- ✅ TestSubGraphByToggleAttribute - Passed in 0.024s
- ✅ TestSubGraphByToggleAttributes - Passed in 0.022s
- ✅ TestSubgraphGraph - Passed in 0.027s
- ✅ TestSubgraphReflexionGraph - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.TestGraphCloning - 3/3 - Passed in 0.021s
- ✅ TestCloneEdge - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ TestCloneGraph - Passed in 0.014s
- ✅ TestCloneNode - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.TestGraphDiff - 8/8 - Passed in 0.157s
- ✅ EmptyAndNullGraphs - Passed in 0.022s
- ✅ IdenticalGraphs - Passed in 0.109s
- ✅ TestFloatAttribute - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestIntAttribute - Passed in 0.015s
- ✅ TestNullGraphs - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestStringAttribute - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestToggleAttribute - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TwoNonEmptyGraphs - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.TestJacocoImporter - 5/5 - Passed in 6.110s
- ✅ AddMetricToClassNode - Passed in 3.004s
- ✅ AddMetricToMethodNode - Passed in 0.841s
- ✅ AddMetricToPackageNode - Passed in 0.715s
- ✅ AddMetricToRootNode - Passed in 0.439s
- ✅ TestLoadAsyncMethodAsync - Passed in 1.112s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.TestMergeDiffGraphExtension - 19/19 - Passed in 0.175s
- ✅ TesStringEdgeAttributeOnNewGraph - Passed in 0.060s
- ✅ TestFloatEdgeAttributeOnNewGraph - Passed in 0.018s
- ✅ TestFloatEdgeAttributeOnOldGraph - Passed in 0.014s
- ✅ TestFloatNodeAttributeOnNewGraph - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ TestFloatNodeAttributeOnOldGraph - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestIntEdgeAttributeOnNewGraph - Passed in 0.015s
- ✅ TestIntEdgeAttributeOnOldGraph - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestIntNodeAttributeOnNewGraph - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestIntNodeAttributeOnOldGraph - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestNullNewGraph - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestNullNewGraph2 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestNullOldGraph - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestStringEdgeAttributeOnOldGraph - Passed in 0.015s
- ✅ TestStringNodeAttributeOnNewGraph - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestStringNodeAttributeOnOldGraph - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestToggleEdgeAttributeOnNewGraph - Passed in 0.016s
- ✅ TestToggleEdgeAttributeOnOldGraph - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestToggleNodeAttributeOnNewGraph - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestToggleNodeAttributeOnOldGraph - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.TestRanges.TestContainsOther - 10/10 - Passed in 0.014s
- ✅ TestContainsOther((1 – 2, 736)) - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ TestContainsOther((1 – 3, 1016)) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestContainsOther((1:2 – 1:3, 128)) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestContainsOther((1:0 – 1:4, 192)) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestContainsOther((1:5 – 2:0, 32)) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestContainsOther((1:0 – 2:6, 752)) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestContainsOther((1:7 – 3:0, 8)) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestContainsOther((1:5 – 3:5, 44)) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestContainsOther((1:3 – 100:100, 46)) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestContainsOther((0 – 301, 1023)) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ SEE.DataModel.DG.TestRanges - 4/4 - Passed in 0.027s
- ✅ TestCompare - Passed in 0.022s
- ✅ TestContainsPoint - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestContainsSelf - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestLines - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ SEE.GraphProviders.TestGraphProviderIO - 12/12 - Passed in 0.336s
- ✅ TestAllBranchGitSingleProvider - Passed in 0.102s
- ✅ TestCSVGraphProvider - Passed in 0.054s
- ✅ TestDiffMergeGraphProvider - Passed in 0.020s
- ✅ TestEmptyGraphPipelineProvider - Passed in 0.040s
- ✅ TestEmptyPipelineProvider - Passed in 0.022s
- ✅ TestGitEvolutionProvider - Passed in 0.043s
- ✅ TestGXLGraphProvider - Passed in 0.014s
- ✅ TestJaCoCoGraphProvider - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestMultiGraphPipelineProvider - Passed in 0.016s
- ✅ TestNestedPipelineProvider - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestPipelineProvider - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestReflexionGraphProvider - Passed in 0.016s
- ✅ SEE.GraphProviders.TestGraphProviders - 6/6 - Passed in 143.242s
- ✅ TestCSVJaCoCoGXLGraphProviderAsync - Passed in 0.657s
- ✅ TestExistenceOfTokenMetricsAsync - Passed in 65.648s
- ✅ TestGXLGraphProviderAsync - Passed in 0.816s
- ✅ TestMergeDiffGraphProviderAsync - Passed in 0.349s
- ✅ TestVCSGraphProviderAsync - Passed in 45.850s
- ✅ TestVCSMetricsAsync - Passed in 29.922s
- ✅ SEE.Layout.RectanglePacking.TestRectanglePacker - 2/2 - Passed in 0.110s
- ✅ TestLayout - Passed in 0.100s
- ✅ TestSplit - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ SEE.Layout.TestLayoutIO - 5/5 - Passed in 0.115s
- ✅ TestGVLWriteRead - Passed in 0.080s
- ✅ TestRead - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestSLDWriteRead - Passed in 0.030s
- ✅ TestWriteReadEmptyGVL - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestWriteReadEmptySLD - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ SEE.Layout.TestLCAFinder - 6/6 - Passed in 0.057s
- ✅ TestChain - Passed in 0.036s
- ✅ TestEmpty - Passed in 0.015s
- ✅ TestForrest - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestMultiLevel - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestSimple - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestSingle - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ SEE.Scanner.TestTokenMetrics.TestCalculateLinesOfCode - 2/2 - Passed in 0.013s
- ✅ TestCalculateLinesOfCode("class Program {\n public:\n int x;\n\n // A comment.\n void setX(int y) {\n x = y; // An inline comment.\n }\n };\n ",7) - Passed in 0.013s
- ✅ TestCalculateLinesOfCode(" ",0) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ SEE.Scanner.TestTokenMetrics.TestCalculateMcCabeComplexity - 4/4 - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ TestCalculateMcCabeComplexity("using System;\n\n public class Program\n {\n public static void Main()\n {\n if (true)\n {\n //This is a comment. Do not count them in, even if it seems tempting.\n Console.WriteLine("Hello, if World!");\n }\n else\n {\n //This is another comment. Do look further.\n Console.WriteLine("Hello, else World!");\n }\n }\n }",2) - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestCalculateMcCabeComplexity("public class NoBranchProgram\n {\n public int Add(int a, int b)\n {\n return a + b;\n }\n }",1) - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestCalculateMcCabeComplexity("public class EmptyClass\n {\n }",1) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestCalculateMcCabeComplexity("public class DoesNotCompile\n{\n break; continue; case 2: while do if else foreach for switch try catch }",7) - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ SEE.Scanner.TestTokenMetrics - 1/1 - Passed in 0.027s
- ✅ TestCalculateHalsteadMetrics - Passed in 0.027s
- ✅ SEE.Tools.Architecture.TestIncrementalReflexion.TestBigIncremental - 125/125 - Passed in 1.985s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.200s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.009s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.014s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.009s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.025s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.042s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.751s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.011s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.011s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.011s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.011s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.011s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestBigIncremental(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]) - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ SEE.Tools.Architecture.TestIncrementalReflexion - 9/9 - Passed in 0.100s
- ✅ TestIncrementalArchHierarchyChange - Passed in 0.033s
- ✅ TestIncrementalImplHierarchyChange - Passed in 0.018s
- ✅ TestIncrementalImplRefChange - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestIncrementalMapping - Passed in 0.016s
- ✅ TestMappingToSameComponentA - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestMappingToSameComponentB - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestRemapping - Passed in 0.004s
- ✅ TestSimpleImplEdgeChange - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ TestSimpleIncrementalArchEdgeChange - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ SEE.Tools.Architecture.TestNonIncrementalReflexionAnalysis - 19/19 - Passed in 0.051s
- ✅ TestAllowedChildAccess1 - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestAllowedParentAccess1 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestAllowedParentAccess2 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestConvergences1 - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestConvergences2 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestConvergences3 - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestConvergences4 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestConvergences5 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestDisallowedChildAccess - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestDivergences1 - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestDivergences2 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestDivergences3 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestDivergences4 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestDivergences5 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestDivergences6 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestImplicitlyAllowed1 - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestImplicitlyAllowed2 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestImplicitlyAllowed3 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestImplicitlyAllowed4 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ SEE.Tools.Architecture.TestReflexionAnalysisStress - 3/3 - Passed in 27.702s
- ✅ TestMinilaxComparison - Passed in 13.649s
- ✅ TestMinilaxIncrementally - Passed in 7.555s
- ✅ TestMinilaxNonIncrementally - Passed in 6.498s
- ✅ SEE.UI.Menu.TestMenuEntry.TestConstructor - 7/7 - Passed in 0.016s
- ✅ TestConstructor(System.Action,"Test","Test description",RGBA(1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000),True,'!') - Passed in 0.013s
- ✅ TestConstructor(null,"Test","Test description",RGBA(0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 1.000),True,'!') - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestConstructor(System.Action,"Test",null,RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000),True,'!') - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConstructor(System.Action,"Test","Test description",null,True,'!') - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConstructor(System.Action,"Test","Test description",RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000),False,'!') - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConstructor(System.Action,"Test","Test description",RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000),True,' ') - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConstructor(null,"Test",null,null,True,' ') - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ SEE.UI.Menu.TestMenuEntry - 1/1 - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestConstructorDefault - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ SEE.UI.Menu.TestToggleMenuEntry.TestConstructor - 7/7 - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestConstructor(System.Action,"Test","Test description",RGBA(1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000),True,'!') - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConstructor(null,"Test","Test description",RGBA(0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 1.000),True,'!') - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestConstructor(System.Action,"Test",null,RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000),True,'!') - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestConstructor(System.Action,"Test","Test description",null,True,'!') - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestConstructor(System.Action,"Test","Test description",RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000),False,'!') - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestConstructor(System.Action,"Test","Test description",RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000),True,' ') - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestConstructor(null,"Test",null,null,True,' ') - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ SEE.UI.Menu.TestToggleMenuEntry - 3/3 - Passed in 0.020s
- ✅ TestConstructorDefault - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestDefaultExitAction - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ TestExitAction - Passed in 0.015s
- ✅ SEE.Utils.History.TestActionHistory - 3/3 - Passed in 0.071s
- ✅ MultipleActions - Passed in 0.037s
- ✅ OneAction - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestCounterAction - Passed in 0.033s
- ✅ SEE.Utils.Paths.TestDataPath - 2/2 - Passed in 0.332s
- ✅ LoadFromFile - Passed in 0.011s
- ✅ LoadFromForeignServer - Passed in 0.321s
- ✅ SEE.Utils.TestConfigIO - 33/33 - Passed in 0.215s
- ✅ TestAntennaAttributes - Passed in 0.006s
- ✅ TestCommitCity - Passed in 0.098s
- ✅ TestConfigParseAttribute1 - Passed in 0.004s
- ✅ TestConfigParseAttribute2 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseAttribute3 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseAttribute4 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseAttribute5 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseFalse - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseFloat1 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseFloat2 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseFloat3 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseFloat4 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseInfinity - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseInteger1 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseInteger2 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseInteger3 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseList1 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseList2 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseList3 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseList4 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseNegativeInfinity - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseString1 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseString2 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseString3 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseString4 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestConfigParseTrue - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestMetricColorMapOneElement - Passed in 0.014s
- ✅ TestMetricColorMapTwoElements - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestMetricColorMapZeroElements - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestSEECity - Passed in 0.022s
- ✅ TestSEEEvolutionCity - Passed in 0.009s
- ✅ TestSEEJlgCity - Passed in 0.009s
- ✅ TestSEERandomCity - Passed in 0.025s
- ✅ SEE.Utils.TestKDIntervalTree - 4/4 - Passed in 0.078s
- ✅ TestDoubleMinimum - Passed in 0.067s
- ✅ TestLineAndCharacter - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ TestLineOnly - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestSelfStab - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ SEE.Utils.TestMedians - 6/6 - Passed in 0.018s
- ✅ TestMedianEmpty - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestMedianFour - Passed in 0.010s
- ✅ TestMedianNull - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestMedianOne - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestMedianThree - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestMedianTwo - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ SEE.Utils.TestRandomTrees - 4/4 - Passed in 0.059s
- ✅ TestEmpty - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestMany - Passed in 0.049s
- ✅ TestNegative - Passed in 0.008s
- ✅ TestOne - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ SEE.Utils.TestStringListSerializer - 6/6 - Passed in 0.011s
- ✅ TestEmptyList - Passed in 0.004s
- ✅ TestEmptyString - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestMultipleElements - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestNull - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestNullElements - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestSingleElement - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ SEE.Utils.TestThreadSafeHashSet - 3/3 - Passed in 0.302s
- ✅ TestAdd - Passed in 0.014s
- ✅ TestConcurrentAdding - Passed in 0.164s
- ✅ TestConcurrentAddingAndReading - Passed in 0.125s
- ✅ SEE.VCS.TestVCS - 14/14 - Passed in 53.750s
- ✅ TestAdded - Passed in 53.243s
- ✅ TestCopied - Passed in 0.063s
- ✅ TestDeleted - Passed in 0.058s
- ✅ TestModified - Passed in 0.057s
- ✅ TestRenamed - Passed in 0.054s
- ✅ TestShowGitVersionControl - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ TestShowVersionControlSystems - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestTxtModified - Passed in 0.050s
- ✅ TestTxtModifiedRenamed - Passed in 0.050s
- ✅ TestTxtModifiedRenamedModified - Passed in 0.052s
- ✅ TestTxtModifiedRenamedModified_Then_Modified_And_Renamed - Passed in 0.053s
- ✅ TestUnknown - Passed in 0.051s
- ✅ TestUnknownNewCommitID - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ TestUnknownOldCommitID - Passed in 0.004s
- ✅ SEETests.TestGitGraphProvider - 9/9 - Passed in 0.993s
- ✅ TestGitEvolutionProvider - Passed in 0.383s
- ✅ TestGitProviderFileDoesNotExist - Passed in 0.053s
- ✅ TestGitProviderForMultipleFiles - Passed in 0.115s
- ✅ TestGitProviderForTooOldFile - Passed in 0.030s
- ✅ TestGitProviderMultipleAuthors - Passed in 0.096s
- ✅ TestGitProviderMultipleBranches - Passed in 0.082s
- ✅ TestGitProviderMultipleCommits - Passed in 0.104s
- ✅ TestGitProviderMultipleCommitsButWithUnrelatedFile - Passed in 0.042s
- ✅ TestGitProviderSingleFileCommit - Passed in 0.088s
Check failure on line 41 in Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs
github-actions / Test Results
System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Raw output
at SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType+<>c.<GetAllRootTypes>b__3_0 (SEE.Controls.Actions.AbstractActionStateType a) [0x00000] in /github/workspace/Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs:41
at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].ToList () [0x0001b] in <b9b43ba66e844a948daf380ae03e1428>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0001f] in <b9b43ba66e844a948daf380ae03e1428>:0
at SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType.GetAllRootTypes () [0x00001] in /github/workspace/Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs:41
at SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType.ActionStateTypesAllRootTypesJustContainsAllRoots () [0x00001] in /github/workspace/Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs:91
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo,object,object[],System.Exception&)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x0006a] in <5aefc10cb7a348a6a66a4e2036c11d65>:0
Check failure on line 65 in Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs
github-actions / Test Results
System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Raw output
at SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType.DumpDiff (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] expected, System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[T] actual) [0x00021] in /github/workspace/Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs:65
at SEE.Controls.Actions.TestActionStateType.AllActionsPresent () [0x00001] in /github/workspace/Assets/SEETests/TestActionStateType.cs:52
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo,object,object[],System.Exception&)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x0006a] in <5aefc10cb7a348a6a66a4e2036c11d65>:0