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ETUmulator is a Thumb-2 assembly language emulator written in Java. It is written with portability in mind, with builds actively maintained for Linux. At this moment, ETUmulator only emulates a subset of Thumb-2 instruction set.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


We use Gradle to automate just about everything. As long as you have a Java SE Development Kit 8 version 8u60 or above running, you are well on your way to get a development environment.

  • Since we have already included a Gradle wrapper in the repository, installing Gradle is an optional process.
  • Scene Buider is a visual layout tool that lets users quickly design JavaFX application user interfaces, without coding.


For linux:

Open a terminal by pressing "CTRL + ALT + T"
From your terminal, change the current directory on your local machine where you want to get a development environment. Example to change current directory to Desktop:

cd ~/Desktop

then clone the repository if you have Git:

git clone

or download zip file contaning the repository and extract it to your Desktop.
After above steps you should have ETUmulator or ETUmulator-master directory under your Desktop. Execute below commands:

cd ETUmulator


cd ETUmulator-master


./gradlew build -x test

That's really it!

If you want the project set up in NetBeans (our favored IDE), just install NetBeans Gradle plugin and open ETUmulator from NetBeans. Then you get a bunch of run configurations and other stuff for free!


Execute the below command:

./gradlew jar

then you will be able to run ETUmulator from your terminal by typing java -jar build/libs/ETUmulator-0.5.0.jar
or navigate to build/libs directory and double click on the ETUmulator-0.5.0.jar

Running the tests

Open a terminal in the root of the project directory, then execute the command:

./gradlew check


No packages published


  • Java 98.4%
  • ANTLR 1.6%