A simple HTTP file server frontend to mongoDB GridFS.
It can do nothing but serve files.
go get github.com/mugenken/gogridfs
gogridfs -config /path/to/config.json
The module is configured with a JSON file. An example may look like this:
"servers": [ // should contain at least one server of your mongoDB cluster
"listen": "localhost:4242", // the host and port to listen on
"logfile": "gogridfs.log", // the logfile
"database": "gofiles", // the database that contains the GridFS
"gridfscollection": "fs", // the GridFS root
"handlepath": "/gofiles/", // the path the handler will connect to
// it will be cut from the file name so requests to
// /gofiles/some/path/file.png will serve
// some/path/file.png from GridFS
"mode": "strong" // mgo mode of querying
// strong => safe, reads and writes on master only
// monotonic => faster, distribution of queries across nodes
// no guaranteed consistency between queries
// eventual => fastest, no guaranteed consistency at all
// default node is striong
"debug": true // log requested file paths
To proxy with nginx add something like this to your server directive:
upstream gogridfs {
server {
# more config
location /gofiles/ {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
if (!-f $request_filename) {
proxy_pass http://gogridfs;
# more config