Create an Express application to judge who is cuter: puppies or kittens.
In this exercise we will build a website that will allow visitors to vote on
which is cuter: puppies or kittens. The website will consist of one static
index.html file and two dynamic routes: one to record votes for puppies, the
other to record votes for kittens. Additionally, we will define a new class
called Counter
and use it to record the votes.
Since the website will have a mix of static and dynamic content, we will use Express to build our application.
Currently server.js has an outline of the steps necessary to
serve static files and respond to the get
requests to /kittens
. Use the Express API documentation (specifically, the pages
linked to in the References section below) to build out the
required pieces. Feel free to use the Express Static Server repository as a
starting point as well.
In this exercise we are also experimenting with
creating classes in JavaScript. JavaScript doesn't have traditional
classes like a typical object oriented programming language. Instead, JavaScript
uses functions as constructors for classes, and we use the new
operator to
construct objects from those functions. Instance methods are created by
adding functions to the .prototype
property of the constructor function.
Reference note: the Mozilla Developer Network’s Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript is an excellent description of JavaScript’s approach to object-oriented programming.
We will be defining a new class called Counter
to record the votes for puppies
and kittens. We'll create a new counter instance, then call counter.record('puppies')
to record a vote for puppies, and counter.record('kittens')
to record votes for
kittens. We'll retrive the accumulated votes by calling
, and counter.retrieve('kittens')
A starting point for the Counter
class is below:
// Counter constructor definition
function Counter() {
// Create a property on the `this` reference to store counts for each key
// .record(key) - increment the count value for `key`
Counter.prototype.record = function(key) {
// .retrieve(key) - retrieve the total recorded counts for `key`
Counter.prototype.retrieve = function(key) {
// .results() - return an object containing the cumulative counts for all keys
Counter.prototype.results = function() {
// Create a new counter instance
var voteCounter = new Counter();
// Record a vote for kittens
// Retrieve the number of votes for kittens
var kittenVotes = voteCounter.retrieve('kittens');
// => 1
Once we create the Counter
class, we will
use it inside our route handlers
for '/puppies' and '/kittens' to record the votes and retrieve the totals.
Visitors to the website will be served index.html
and will
cast their votes by clicking on a link for their preferred animal. We need to
update index.html and add links to "/puppies" and "/kittens" so it looks
something like this:
Cast your vote for the cuter creature: puppies or kittens:
When the user clicks on one of those links, they will be sent to /puppies
on our domain. We will be listening for those requests in server.js
and will send back a message like the following:
Thank you for voting! Kittens have 12 total votes so far.
Currently there are no styles for our Puppies Versus Kittens voting website.
Create a style.css
file with some lovely styles for this application. Feel
free to update index.html
as necessary.
Extra Credit options to come.
To begin, fork this repository.
Create a new Cloud9 workspace from your new repository.
Alternatively, you may clone your new repository to your computer by running:
git clone
After cloning (in Cloud9 or on your computer), install the
module usingnpm
by running:npm install express
Modify the files and commit changes to complete your solution. Start your server by running:
node server.js
or by clicking the green "Run" button in Cloud9 when editing the
file. -
Push/sync the changes up to GitHub.
Create a pull request on the original repository to turn in the assignment.
Create a separate branch for the extra credit options.
You are also welcome commit, push, and create a pull request before you’ve
completed your solution. You can ask questions or request feedback there in your
pull request. Just mention @barberboy
in your comments to get my attention.