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Releases: unipept/unipept-api


24 Mar 13:38
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This release of the Unipept API introduces a few new private endpoints that are used by the Unipept Web application, and fixes a few bugs.

New features / enhancements:

  • Add /private_api/proteomes endpoint (#64)
  • Add /private_api/proteomes/count endpoint (#64)
  • Add /private_api/proteomes/filter endpoint (#64)
  • Add /private_api/proteins/filter endpoint (#65)
  • Add /private_api/proteins/count endpoint (#65)
  • Add support for filtering by NCBI IDs and ranks in the /private_api/taxons/filter and /private_api/taxons/count endpoints (#68)
  • Removed the NCBI superkingdom rank and added domain and realm (#67)
  • Optimized the calculation of the LCA (#53)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the API to return empty protein result sets sometimes (#63)
  • Update sorting by NCBI rank from alphabetical order to rank order as determined by NCBI (#68)


06 Mar 10:02
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This is a small release for the Unipept API which adds the protein name to the output of the /api/protinfo endpoint.

New features / Enhancements:

  • Add protein name to output of /api/protinfo endpoint (#61).


05 Mar 13:55
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This is a small maintenance release of the Unipept API that introduces one new option for the /mpa/pept2data endpoint (which is extensively being used by the Unipept Web Application).

New features / Enhancements:

  • Introduced report_taxa option to /mpa/pept2data endpoint that allows this endpoint to report a full list of matching taxa instead of only the lca. See #60.


04 Mar 13:36
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This release of the Unipept API brings support for querying peptide information in combination with filters. This new functionality allows you to query subsets of the UniProtKB through Unipept and effectively emulate "custom databases" (as they are known in the Unipept Desktop application).

Features / Enhancements:

  • Added support for filtering the /mpa/pept2data endpoint. There are three filters implemented at this point (proteomes, uniprot and taxa). See #56 for more details.


04 Mar 13:31
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This release brings some minor changes to the Unipept API that are required for a good functioning Unipept Web Application.

Features / Enhancements:

  • Implemented the /private_api/taxa/filter endpoint that allows the Unipept Web Application to query all NCBI taxa by name (or parts of a name). See #58.


04 Mar 13:30
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This is a major new milestone for the Unipept API. Since this release the whole backend of Unipept has been re-implemented in Rust. This change not only drastically improves performance, it also brings support for the analysis of non-tryptic peptides.

Features / Enhancements:

  • Completely rewritten in Rust (from Ruby-on-Rails)
  • Support for the analysis of non-tryptic peptides


15 Sep 09:47
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This release provides a fix for an issue that could arise when a modern browser was used to perform requests to the Unipept API.

Bug fixes:

  • The API now properly listens and responds to OPTIONS-requests performed by a browser prior to a GET or POST request (#26)


11 Aug 07:12
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This release adds a new option to the pept2filtered endpoint and updates the configuration such that logfiles will never grow larger than 500MiB in size.

Features / enhancements:

  • New cutoff option for mpa/pept2filtered API requests (#23)
  • Configure Rails such that logfiles are maximum 500MiB in size (#24)


04 Jul 11:55
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This is a hotfix release of the Unipept API that provides a fix for a bug that caused peptide analyses with the "equate I/L" setting disabled to fail.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes a bug where peptide analyses with "equate I/L" disabled did not return any results (#22).


14 Jun 10:54
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This release provides support for a new API endpoint protinfo. See the documentation over here on how to use it.

Features / enhancements:

  • The protinfo endpoint is added. This endpoint allows a user to retrieve all protein related information given a UniProt accession ID. (#20).